My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Maths and Me

Mehul – IGCSE

I associate math with excitement because I am intrigued to learn about different topics and I often look forward to starting new units. On the continuum, I think I stand in the middle since I like when things are explained to me because I get a good understanding of it but at the same time, I enjoy working things out for myself and though it takes longer I gain a better understanding of the topic. Usually when I’m “stuck” I use resources whether it a website, youtube video or help from a friend/teacher. In the past, I have had tendencies to work together with others when I’m “stuck” as I find that working in a group of 2-4 has helped me learn. However, due to the current situation of Covid-19, I think that it will be more challenging as we can only ineract with the classmates in our bubble and I imagine that as a result, I may begin to use other resources more often. In previous years I have observed that one of my strengths is being organised and a good self-manager as I come prepared to class prepared and am able to meet deadlines. However, I think that for the first few weeks of grade 11 my main area of focus is to be a problem solver and to be more reflective. I think it would allow me to be more independent and by reflecting, I would be able to constantly identify my strengths and weaknesses. • August 23, 2020

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