My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Sustainabrew Reflection (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I think the greatest challenge has been the lack of experience and knowledge about the service in addition to working with others. Starting a new service and learning so much about it was interesting but challenging because I had no ideas about what drinks we can make and how to carbonate them. But simply interacting with other, more knowledgeable, members of the group in addition to listening to ideas, I was able to develop my active listening skills to receive a better understanding of creating sustainable drinks. Secondly, while I struggled to work in a new group, I still developed resilience because we continued to work together and I would say that by the third week there was an improvement from the previous session. I measured this in terms of our communication and I noticed that over the sessions, I was able to communicate more comfortably and more often. I think that this allowed for more efficiency but also helped us develop a connection that invited criticism.  I think overall it was easier to develop skills such as active listening as compared to open communication because it is a skill that mainly requires practice and does not necessarily involve interactions. Finally, I believe that I can use these skills in other environments such as classrooms. For example, open communication as well as actively listening to members of a group will help us to work coherently and optimally. I can further use these skills when participating in sports. • September 25, 2020

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