My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

MS Volleyball Assistant Coaching (LO3)

[LO3]Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

In the activity, we support the middle school boys volleyball team and we often take initiative to plan out sessions in advance. For instance, we assessed them at the beginning and accordingly created a plan for the next two sessions that we felt, from our experience, will be the best use of time for them to develop. I believe that since I have been in their position and currently play volleyball, I can design and alter drills to work on specific skills. Furthermore, I believe that as a result of planning, are our sessions more organised and additionally, the players are benefitting and improving. I know this because we repeated drills over the period of the first three weeks that required them to reach a certain goal. Therefore, it was numerically measurable. Surprisingly, they reached the same goal in approximately half of the attempts, which allowed us to quickly reflect and use this information to create another plan. However, just in the first few weeks, we recognized that we could not always follow our plan and had to make adjustments throughout sessions. For example, through the session, we noticed that setting, as opposed to bumping, needed more attention and thus we made constant adjustments and changes to the plan. I think it was very important to adapt quickly and make the best use of their time simply because we only have one session per week. Overall, although initial planning was important, I believe the ability to adapt and make changes quickly was even more prominent throughout the first lessons of this. In the future, I believe it is a better idea to keep a plan with the mindset that it may change over time. This skill is something I quickly developed through coaching and it was something I was able to incorporate into my academic life when planning my homework and study schedule for each week. • March 5, 2021

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