My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO4)

[LO4] Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

One way that I showed perseverance was by balancing my academic and extracurricular lives. I think it was occasionally hard to balance the workload of IB and have to go to practices simultaneously. It was tempting to stay home and study for tests or complete upcoming assignments but through simply planning and developing my time management skills, I was able to allocate time for both aspects. I further maintained my motivation for this activity by simply developing a passion and genuine interest in the sport. For example, outside of school I would watch volleyball matches in my free time and examine the movement and footwork of players which eventually became something we did as a team. Additionally, I think that I help others but at the same time, all those help me to stay committed to the activity. For instance, we would hold each other accountable for attending practices and games but this slowly turned into something we were all motivated and passionate about the sport. I think my commitment and perseverance in this activity combined with the rest of the team’s led to the development of a coherent team overall and this allowed us to develop quickly and develop together. Although there were no matches or tournaments, we certainly improved at a faster rate simply due to our resilience throughout. However, there were still times where it was difficult to be committed or persevere Since there were no achievements or accomplishments to strive for. Ultimately we were quickly able to realize that there would be no tournaments or SEASAC and as a result, we adapted to our initial plan and began to train for the following season. Volleyball being a very popular sport I think it was easy for us to develop a passion and furthermore I think that Spending time as a team and persevering through challenges together furthered our development and learning each session. • August 15, 2021

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