My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Sustainabrew Reflection 1 (LO6)

[LO6] Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In Sustainabrew, a key issue that we focus on is using healthy and sustainable methods to make drinks. Our mission is to make and promote healthy options for beverages that are also made of sustainable ingredients with minimal packaging. Although I had some prior knowledge, this service helped me learn a lot more about the issue as we spent lessons focusing on the issue especially in Singapore. We learn about the recycling system and incineration of rubbish that happens here in Singapore which encouraged us, as a team, to find a way to slowly decrease pollution. I believe my actions have had a positive effect even though they may have not been on a large scale. For example, we have been able to provide high quality yet sustainable beverages to our school community while finding ways to cater to future events sustainably and reduce potential plastic pollution. As a result of thinking about this issue, I believe from the start of the service I have been much more inspired. Learning about these issues that happened in our local community has made me want to really make a change at least in our college community. I feel that I have been more of a critical thinker because I have started to care more about the issue. I have learned that it is important to delve into the issue end do some learning before taking action because the extra information can only Inspire us but teach us ways to have a bigger impact. • August 15, 2021

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