My UWCSEA Learning Journey

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Medea, Initial Concepts & Thoughts

Generally, we tend to associate with people that are similar to us. In some way, we are part of the same community or have a specific reason. This can be, for example, based on family, school, interests. It is also common to feel comfortable and feel a sense of belonging to groups/individuals that share struggles….

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Biased Headlines

Left – The CDC is clowned regarding their updated mask requirements Right – As Covid-19 cases decrease, US states look to ease mask requirements

Analysing Article of Choice

a) Indian mother is forced to transport her son’s corpse on a rickshaw after he died as ambulances run out in Covid crisis, oxygen price gougers cash in with 1600% mark-ups and patients commit suicide by jumping off balconies (26 April, 2021) b) Summarise the main points of the article in your own words. (3-5…

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Ethics in Home Fire & Antigone

Where should Isma’s loyalty lie: with her brother or her country?  Isma’s honour and loyalty lie with the law. We see that she constantly and thoroughly abides by the law throughout the novel similarly to Ismene in Sophocles’ tragedy: Antigone. In Home Fire, Isma tells Aneeka to “Go back to uni, study the law. Accept…

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What does the play say about obligations to family and obligations to authority?

Throughout the play, the idea of family and authority is reoccurring. We see that the relationship between Creon and his son, Eamonn, unfolds near the end of the play. Although Creon rejects Polyneices’ burial and is not understanding of Antigone’s position, we are able to see that he values family. Sophocles attempts to emphasise Creon’s…

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How should we regard the character Antigone? As prideful and reckless? As heroic? As an innocent victim of tyranny? As a martyr? As an idealist?

Antigone buries Polyneices regardless of the new laws set in place by Creon. As a consequence, she is sent to the wilderness to be locked in a room of stone where she eventually takes her own life. When the guard brings Antigone to Creon, she openly acknowledges that it is “True.” and “I [Antigone] admit…

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Is Ismene a weakling, a mere fence-sitter, or does she represent a reasonable position?

Ismene requests Antigone to abide by Creon’s new law, forbidding the burial of Polyneices. She wanted to bury him but her loyalty to the law is prioritised and although she may be seen as a weakling for this, Ismene represents a reasonable position. Her logic and rationality is understandable and to an extent, relatable. Early…

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Political Cartoon Analysis

This political cartoon by Mark Knight presents the issue of the discriminative and unfair treatment and stereotypical perception many have of African Americans. The cartoon presents an ongoing issue through the example of Women’s tennis. The women on the left can allude to Serena Williams through her clothing and possibly the broken racquet (as she…

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In what ways does the author offer insights and challenges into contemporary religious and cultural practices? To what extent does the impact of the text shape our implicit perception of a troubling world?

Home Fire and Yumna Al-Arashi’s photography both create opportunities for the audience to reflect on their own perceptions of the arising issues in the texts. Specifically in Home Fire, Shamsie uses narrative voice to gain insight into the concept of religion. In Eamonn’s chapter, through his perspective, we witness Aneeka practice religion different from the…

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