My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

HS Boys Basketball 19&U (LO6, LO7)

In sports, I feel that we often make decisions constantly within training and games. Within sports, I believe that ethics are associated with fairness, respect and integrity. Since there is so much emotion involved, I have observed that we often make impulsive decisions that may not only impact the game but also individual lives. For…

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HS Art Studio, Pottery (LO5)

[LO5] Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively. I think that pottery is an art that it generally very individual. Therefore, I assumed that there is a lack of teamwork or collaboration. However, though lessons, I was able to notice the collaborative nature of the arts. For instance, I learnt that when…

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[CAS Project] Demonstration [LO1]

Overall, through this CAS experience/project, I have been able to work with a group of students to develop their skill and even further their passion for playing volleyball. The experience was very rewarding as we could see progress, especially in the second season. We were able to notice gradual changes in not only skill but…

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[CAS Project] Action & Reflection [LO4] [LO5]

After the planning and preparation phase, we began to put our plans in place as we set up the first and second session. Through these sessions, we were able to see that not only had our planning helped but that there are changes to be made. In fact, we were able to quickly realise that…

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Demonstration (LO1)

Overall, through this CAS experience/project, I have been able to work with a group of students to develop their skill and even further their passion for playing volleyball. The experience was very rewarding as we could see progress, especially in the second season. We were able to notice gradual changes in not only skill but…

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Action & Reflection (LO4, LO5)

After the planning and preparation phase, we began to put our plans in place as we set up the first and second session. Through these sessions, we were able to see that not only had our planning helped but that there are changes to be made. In fact, we were able to quickly realise that…

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Medea, Initial Concepts & Thoughts

Generally, we tend to associate with people that are similar to us. In some way, we are part of the same community or have a specific reason. This can be, for example, based on family, school, interests. It is also common to feel comfortable and feel a sense of belonging to groups/individuals that share struggles….

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HS Pottery Reflection (LO2)

[LO2] Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process My lack of experience has lead to various challenges and opportunities for improvement. One major issue I encountered during this activity was on the third week in which I broke my pinch pot that I had been working on for the previous…

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HS Boys Volleyball 19&U Group 1 (LO5)

[LO5] Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively Throughout the season I mainly collaborated with other teammates as well as coaches in order to plan lessons but also work together for instance I communicated with the coaches in order to see what we could do this year in order to have an…

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