My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

STEM SWOT Analysis

Personal Goals Manage time well Spending time effectively in and outside of class Setting deadlines for myself Being creative with my work and exploring a variety of methods to conduct research as well as presenting it

Google Site Link to ELP

Here is the link to my English Learning Portfolio

Texto Sobre Honduras (Para Español)

                Durante mis vacaciones el verano pasado, fui a Honduras con mi familia por solo un semana. Allí, visitamos lugares de interés y también probamos mucha comida nueva. Antes de este vacaciones, no he visitado un hispanohablante. La primera día, llegamos a Honduras por la noche y fuimos…

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First Week of Grade 10

We’ve finished our first week of Grade 10. I have noticed that almost every teacher has mentioned that in Grade 10, everything moves quickly. This is of course due to the fact that we have to complete all the units and finish the IGCSE course before our mock and final exams. I am nervous for…

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Personal Statement

Dear Parents and Mentor, paragraph 1: Introducing yourself and your goals paragraph 2: explaining experiences you have had that have led to your goals. Show dont tell paragraph 3: What are your plans to move closer to your goal. Consider whether you goals are right for you. Show don’t tell paragraph 4: Conclusion, a summation…

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Beyond Redemption

Beyond Redemption What has been described as “the harshest and most final punishment that our country’s criminal justice system can inflict upon an individual,” is legal in 56 countries. In Singapore, we do not often hear about capital punishment – there is minimal media coverage about the death penalty, names, dates and times, of executions….

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C2 – Structure and Bonding Test A Reflection

Corrections from Section B Question 9. (c) State the type of structure and bonding shown in the diagram My Answer: Covalent Correct Answer: Simple I was wrong because I did not mention that it is a ‘simple’. We had to mention the type of structure and bonding, I only mentioned the type of bonding. Question…

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C1 Assessment – Particles and The Periodic Table TEST D Reflection

On receiving my test I felt disappointed because for every unit and test for every subject, I strive for a seven. But, I was unable to meet or even get close to that expectation. It was frustrating as well to see the mistakes I made because I knew the right answer but I did not…

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Scientific Communication Reflection

Did you use the observations in q2?  

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