Kahaani 2020!!! LO1 + LO5

This year I participated in Kahaani and I danced to the holi theme. I can honestly say it was the best dance I participated in throughout my entire IB experience. I knew the songs and they were very upbeat and fun, my group was an amazing bunch of people and everyone had a great time. I demonstrated the learning outcomes 1 and 5. Learning outcome 1 : Identifying my own strengths and developing areas for growth especially with areas of challenges. Being open to improvement and growth opportunities and being willing to participate in different activities. Learning outcome 5 : Demonstrating the skills and recognising the benefits of working collaboratively. Being able to share your skills and knowledge as well as listen respectfully to proposals from your peers, make valuable contributions within your team, readily help others in your team. This is my last CAS experience in IB and I can honestly say it was one of the most amazing ones!!!!!! :)))))

Culturama 2019 (LO2+LO4)

This year I participated in culturama, last years experience was one that I will always treasure, which is why I decided to participate in culturama again this year, only this time I danced to Germany’s culture!! It was a challenge at first, there was a lot of spinning and I’m not the most balanced/stable person. However, because it was a familiar experience, I knew that the first two months would be just learning the dance and trying to make sense of it all, but on show day, it was amazing. The crowd, the music, the hype, it was a night I’ll never forget. I was willing to become involved in unfamiliar environments and situations, acquire new skills and abilities and I even managed to increase my expertise and developed skills in dancing. I demonstrated regular involvement and active engagement with this CAS experience and was able to demonstrate adaptability to uncertainties and changes, for example, when the shoes we ordered never arrived and we lost the money we spent on those shoes, we ended up being barefoot for the dance but overall, it was a success!!!




Project Week Final Reflection

This year for project week, I volunteered in the Botanical Gardens with my project week, due to some complications with the preparation of the trip. Throughout the entire trip, we were behind the scenes of the beautiful garden and we planted 666 tree saplings as well as watered a number of plants, transported them, created soil mixes. Not only this but for creativity, we attended a pottery class and created pots, designed to our preferences and attended a cooking class. We cooked a Vietnamese 3 course dish.

Project week was a difficult experience for my entire group, I’m glad I got to experience it with people that I’m comfortable with and can trust. Though we were quite upset that we couldn’t go anywhere, we made the most of our trip and met up after our hot and sweaty jobs for birthday dinners and for fun. We even got to play with the cats at the botanical gardens, constantly giving us company!



So far into CAS

We have now hit season 3 for CAS and I’m proud of my achievements, I’ve accomplished so much this year.

For activity, I have accomplished

  • 19U B team
  • Culturama
  • Kahaani
  • Marimba
  • Cooking and Baking with Simei Care Centre (Service)
  • Science Society

By doing these extra curricular activities I have acquired many skills and met many people along the way, which can help me throughout the rest of my IB year. For the rest of season 3&4 I will be involved in Service only as with exams coming up and incredibly busy schedules, I will only have time for one element of CAS, however service is probably one of my favourite parts as our group has bonded closely together and we get work done efficiently.


Kahaani 2019 (LO4 & LO5)

So far, Kahaani has been such a memorable experience, dancing to my cultures music, watching other peoples dances, getting ready for the show together, creating more friendships with people I didn’t think I’d be able to befriend. LO4 allows us to work in collaboration with other participants as well as showing our knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experiences (Culturama). I demonstrated regular involvement and active engagement with my CAS experiences as well as demonstrating adaptability to uncertainties and changes (formation).

LO5 allowed me to identify, demonstrate and critically discuss the benefits and challenges of collaboration gained through Kahaani as well as sharing our skills and knowledge of music and dance steps. I have listened respectfully to proposals from my peers and I have been willing to take on different roles within my team (helping my friends costume change). I also try and make valuable contributions within my team and I am responsible for participating in the group because I readily help others in my team.




Basketball 2019 (LO3)

This years team was a success! We managed to come in 3rd place, after our 5 matches, we played to the best of our abilities and as a captain I am very proud of what we managed to achieve. At the beginning of this season I said that I would like to focus on LO3, demonstrating how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, to articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience. This was accomplished in collaboration with other participants. I managed to show my knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience (SEASAC). I managed to show initiative and awareness of my roles and responsibilities as a leader and hopefully I can do the same next year!!!

Science Society 2019 (LO2)

Science Fair Planning : Link

Our planning for the science fair has so far been a success. We are doing the experiment on “The Effects of Anti-fungal Medicine upon Fungal Infections”. We decided to do this experimentation as I don’t study a natural science. I only do Computer Science and Design, so we focused our project on Chemistry and Biology. 

Our aim is to compare and contrast how different anti-fungal medicines affect fungal infections. 

Rationale: There is a certain dosage that comes with all types of medicine, so we want to further investigate the effects of different concentration of fungal medicine on yeast to see if the prescribed dosage is the most effective dosage. Everyone will experience cream medicine on their body, we want to see if the recommended dosage is the most effective on yeast.

Another reason why we chose this topic is so that we can grow on our challenges and adapt to different situations as I never would put myself in this situation, as I am not a very sciency person.

Hopefully the science fair becomes a success!!!!

Service at SIMEI (LO1)

As Chinese New Year is just around the corner us UWC students decided to do something fun and memorable with the residence. We used our creativity skills and to hand craft paper lanterns, used to originally stored fortune cookies inside, but ended up hanging them around the care centre. We demonstrated LO1 : Identify OUR own strengths and developing areas for growth. We as students are able to see ourselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others. Due to this we needed to be aware of our own strengths and areas of challenges. We need to be open to improvement and growth opportunities. We were able to propose activities according to our own interests and strengths as well as the centre’s though we were willing to participate in different activities. This allowed us to undertake a thoughtful self-evaluation.

Here are some pictures :


After the lantern making we distributed traditional Singaporean sweets as we could not obtain fortune cookies, they all ate the food happily, making this another success for us students.

Marimba 2019!! (LO2)

We started off 2019 with a traditional but lively beat. We have been learning a new song and I for one managed to achieve my goal from moving to a higher rhythmic soprano. It was hard for me at first as I had to participate in an experience that demands an appropriate personal challenge; with new or familiar experiences. I needed to be willing to become involved in unfamiliar  situations and acquire new skills and abilities thus increasing my expertise in this established area. Not only this, but I was forced to play with people that I had never met before, thus increasing my social confidence and allowing for more friendships and a better sound of music.


Here are some videos from todays practice: