Implementing the S-I-R Compartmental Model in Python for COVID-19


The interplay between the mathematics and the sciences is always an interesting one to explore, and the current COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to apply some of that pure mathematics in a real world context. This project will attempt to explore and demonstrate how these models could be applied to real-world data on the epidemic trajectory in several different countries.

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is the result of a viral disease, SARS-CoV-2, that had originated in Wuhan, China that spread globally in a period of less than 3 months. Different mathematical models could be applied to describe this event, and the aim of this research investigation is the focus on how one such mode, the S-I-R model, could be used. This investigation will follow 3 main parts:

  1. I will explain how the set of differential equations describing the S-I-R model could be turned into an iterative relation. This could then be turned into a Python program which is attached in the Appendices.
  2. I will vary the values of the parameters, specifically, the initial number of cases, the transmission rate and the recovery rate (which will be defined later) and assess their impact on the hypothetical progression of an unchecked COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore. These values are cited from the latest published research as of April, 2020.
  3. I will assess the impact of government controls placed on the COVID-19 spread and compare that with what different countries have implemented.

The report is part of a school project completed during the COVID-19 pandemic intended to raise awareness and interest within the school community about the applicability of mathematics to the real world.

Background Information

There are a whole host of different mathematical models that could be used to describe the growth and development of an epidemic, but they can mostly be classified into phenomenological and mechanistic models.

Phenomenological Model Exponential Regression
Logistic Regression
Mechanistic Model S-I-R Model
S-E-I-R Model
Other Computer Simulations

Examples of phenomenological and mechanistic models.

Phenomenological models use equations such as exponential and logistic functions for regression analysis of real epidemiological data. However, this process suffers several drawbacks. Exponential functions are only valid for modelling the initial stages of the outbreak. Even logistic functions are not perfect, as they are often dependent upon reliable data, which is contingent upon efforts made by the respective national governments. Both models have weak predictive power and generalisability, as they rely on “curve fitting” to real-world data rather than based upon an underlying natural mechanism. Innate characteristics of a disease, such as transmissibility and recovery rate, are not accounted for in this model.

The first real breakthrough in the development of further epidemiological models and paved the way for further progress is the Susceptible-Infectious-Removed (S-I-R) mechanistic model. Mechanistic models are based upon the quantifiable characteristics of the disease. The model, developed by Kermack and McKendrick in 1927, is a set of 3 differential equations that describe how 3 groups of individuals change over time based upon 2 key parameters.

The 3 groups are:

  • S: Susceptible cases– The number of cases in a population that would be at risk of an infection. For a completely novel pathogen, such as SARS-CoV-2, it may be assumed that the entire population (of a country, for example) is susceptible.
  • I: Infectious cases– The number of cases in a population that are currently infectious and are actively spreading disease.
  • R: Removed cases– Removed (sometimes called recovered even though it is the sum of recovered and dead) cases are cases that have either recovered and gained immunity or have passed away (and thus will not become susceptibles again).

Incidentally, this is where the name of the model comes from.

The 2 parameters are:

  • Duration of disease, D, is the number of days that a person is infectious since the beginning of the disease. It is assumed that a person is immediately infectious since they are first infected.
  • Basic Reproductive Number, R_{0}, characterizes the average number of new cases that would become infected by 1 infectious case over the entire duration of his disease. It is generally fixed in the beginning of a disease.
Let’s assume a certain disease has an R_{0}=2, and D=10, and 1 person in a population of 100 gets it.
S=100-1=99 , as 1 person already has the disease.
On each day the person is infectious, he or she will infect on average r=R_{0}/D=0.2 new individuals per day, this is called the “rate of infection”. If we assume that everyone in the population has an equal chance of getting the disease (a key assumption of the S-I-R model), then the probability of me, a random person, getting the disease at the on the first day will be \beta=0.299=0.00202 .
Epidemiologists call this the “force of infection,” denoted as . The force of infection is not fixed, and it is clear that the larger the population, given the same R_{0}, the lower the probability that any one individual would become infected. The force of infection is important for establishing the S-I-R Model.Another important quantity is the “rate of recovery”, denoted as . As it takes D days for an infected person to recover, infected people recover at a rate equal to the reciprocal, so \gamma=1/D.

The 3 differential equations first proposed by Kermack and McKendrick in 1927 were:

  • \displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt} =-\beta\cdot S\cdot I
  • \displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt} =\beta\cdot S\cdot I-\gamma \cdot I
  • \displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt} =\gamma\cdot I

There are a several important things to unpack:

  • The rate of new infections is directly proportional to the number of people infected, and the number of people susceptible. So as the susceptible population decreases as they become infected, the rate of new infections decreases.
  • The rate of change of infections equals the rate of new recoveries subtracted from the rate of new infections. Thus, the peak of infections occurs when \displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt}=0.
  • The rate of new recoveries is directly proportional the the number of people currently infected, as the more infected people their are, the greater recoveries per unit time there are.

Project Timeline Log

Tasks Comments
Essential Background Research, Create Annotated Reference List

(March 3rd to April 11th)

  • Explored different types of mathematical models informally- exponential models, logistic models, S-I-R Models, and S-E-I-R Models.
  • Allows me to evaluate the pros/cons of different types of models, how they have already been applied in the past and what current research is available about COVID-19
  • Annotated Reference List allows me to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of different sources, to be used later on.
Developed and Focused Research Questions

(April 12th to April 19th)

  • I have decided to explore the S-I-R model in more depth, as it goes beyond the most basic exponential and logistic models, and I can incorporate and develop my coding skills in Python into the project. Inspired by the Numberphile Youtube video on Differential Equations and the S-I-R Model.
  • Developed aims and direction of the project and coded a basic S-I-R Model in Python with variable parameters. Decided most code should be based on Singapore as this is where I live.
Programmed essential programs in Python with MatPlotLib library

(April 20th to April 28th)

  • Part of my personal goals of the project is to develop my coding skills. A lot of graphing needs to be done based on the raw output from the programme.
  • Took a short course on Matplotlib and its use in Python. Lots of debugging done. All the code is available in the Appendix section and is original work.
Analysis and Interpretation of of Results, Creating graphs in Python, Write up into Project Report and proofing

(April 26th to May 6th)

  • Write up a report based on the results from the output of the programs in relation to available scientific literature about COVID-19. In the final section, I had to replace Singapore which I based the programs off of with New Zealand as I couldn’t access sufficient reliable data of the Singapore COVID-19 situation.
  • Finalized Report, Conclusions, Limitations and Reflections.
Project Finalization and Sharing with Peers and School Audience
  • Peer Review of Project and Revision to make more understandable
  • Presentation to classmates and teachers in school to raise informed awareness of the facts and mathematics in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Creating the Initial S.I.R. Model in Python

The system of differential equations is difficult to solve analytically, and as mentioned previously, I will convert this into a Python program. The model works by iterating the model over many small time intervals.

The recursive relations based on the differential equations are as follows, where t is the time in days:

  • \displaystyle S(t+1)=S(t)-\beta \cdot S(t) \cdot I(t)
  • \displaystyle I(t+1)=I(t)+\beta \cdot S(t) \cdot I(t) - \gamma \cdot I(t)
  • \displaystyle R(t+1)=R(t)+\gamma \cdot I(t)

This article, The S-I-R Model for Spread of Disease, from the Mathematical Association of America, though a bit dated, gives a good general overview of the iteration process.

The initial conditions are first defined:


I used ‘a’ to represent \beta, the initial transmission rate, in the code.
I then create 3 lists where the successive values will be appended.


Using this, a for loop can be created that runs the model over a certain time period, for example 200 days, and the values are appended onto the list each iteration:

for t in range (1,period+1):


Using the MatPlotLib library as import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, a graph is created, which is Graph 1.1 in the following section.

plt.plot(time, susceptible, color='b', label='Susceptible')
plt.plot(time, infected, color='r', label='Infected')
plt.plot(time, recovered, color='g', label='Recovered')
plt.xlabel('Time (days)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Individuals')

This part of the code is provided in full in Appendix A.

COVID-19 in Singapore: Hypothetical Unmitigated Scenario

The World Health Organization has estimated that the basic reproductive number, R_{0} , in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China, before the drastic lockdown was imposed was in the range of 2.0 to 2.5. Researchers at Imperial College London have estimated a value in the range of 2.4 to 3.3. Some studies have quoted higher values up to 4 or 5. For consistency, I will rely on a value of 2.6 for the rest of the investigation. For comparison, 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic was estimated to have an R_{0} of around 1.5, and the 2003 SARS Epidemic was estimated to have an R_{0} in the range of 2 to 3.

According to an analysis done by the National University of Singapore, the mean duration from the onset of symptoms such as fever and cough until the clearance of the virus was 9.0 days, and given there is strong evidence of presymptomatic transmission of the virus before symptom onset, the mean infectious duration will be taken as $10 days in the investigation. Thus, \gamma=0.1 and \beta=2.6/(10 \cdot S_{initial}). With these two parameters, a model for a hypothetical unmitigated epidemic in Singapore was constructed.

Singapore Population 5,804,000 (2019)
Initial Force of Infection (\beta) 0.26/5,804,000
Rate of Recovery (\gamma ) 0.1

Singapore S-I-R Model Key Characteristics

Graph 1.1– Unmitigated Singapore Epidemic, R_{0}=2.6, d=10

As can be seen in Graph 1.1, the blue curve and green curve seem to be logistic functions, and at the start of the epidemic, they are similar to exponentials. We can look back at the differential equation that describes the rate of change of susceptible individuals:

\displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt} =-\beta\cdot S\cdot I

In the initial stages of the outbreak, Sstays relatively constant, as the number of infected cases is much small in relation to the entire population, i.e. I \ll S. Therefore, we can simplify

\displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt} =-r \cdot I

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt} =r \cdot I -\gamma \cdot I=(r-\gamma) \cdot I (where r is the rate of infection)

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt} can be solved using separation of variables:

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{I}= (r-\gamma ) dt

\displaystyle \int \frac{dI}{I}= \int (r-\gamma ) dt

\displaystyle ln(I)=(r- \gamma )t+c

\displaystyle I=e^{(r- \gamma )t+c}

\displaystyle I=I_{0} \cdot e^{(r- \gamma )t}

Substituting into \displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt} yields:

\displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt}=-rA \cdot e^{(r- \gamma )t}

\displaystyle dS=-rA \cdot e^{(r- \gamma )t}dt

\displaystyle \int dS= \int -rA \cdot e^{(r- \gamma )t}dt

\displaystyle S=-\frac{r}{r-\gamma }I_{0}\cdot e^{(r- \gamma )t}+S_{0}

\displaystyle S=S_{0}-\frac{r}{r-\gamma }I

Substituting the values of R_{0}=2.6, d=10, and S_0=5,804,000 yields these two equations, which will be used later on in the investigation.

\displaystyle I=\cdot e^{0.26-0.1}t (1)

\displaystyle S=5,804,000- \frac{0.26}{0.26-0.1}I (2)

Plotting these two equations with the S-I-R Model yields the following graph.

Graph 1.2– S-I-R Model v.s. Exponential Model

As can be seen in Graph 1.2, the exponential model agrees very well for the initial stages of the pandemic, but rapidly diverges after perhaps Day 80 as it does not take herd immunity into account (which decreases the rate of infection).

The equation \displaystyle I=\cdot e^{0.26-0.1}t describes the number of people currently infected, as it subtracts out the people who are recovering at a rate of \gamma =0.1. Data reported by the WHO and national governments often count the cumulative number of infections over time, which I will denote as N.

\displaystyle N=e^{0.26}t (3)

This equation allows for easier analysis and comparison with government available raw data in the Addendum.

Effect of Varying the Reproductive Number, R_{0}

Varying the R_{0} has a significant effect on the outcome of the epidemic. For smaller R_{0}, which indicates that the virus is less transmissible, not only a smaller peak in the number of currently infectious cases is seen, but the final epidemic size is also significantly less. The chart below summarizes my findings. All values are rounded to 3 significant figures.

Basic Reproductive Number R_0 Peak Proportion of Pop. Infected Final Epidemic Size Final Epidemic Size as Proportion of Pop.
1.0 0.00% 51 0.00%
1.2 1.46% 112,000 1.92%
1.3 2.86% 1,932,172 33.3%
1.4 4.47% 2,930,000 50.5%
1.6 7.95% 3,700,000 63.8%
1.8 11.4% 4,220,000 72.8%
2.0 14.8% 4,590,000 79.1%
2.2 17.9% 4,860,000 83.8%
2.4 20.7% 5,060,000 87.3%
2.6 23.3% 5,210,000 89.9%
2.8 25.6% 5,330,000 91.9%
3.0 27.8% 5,420,000 93.5%

As can be seen even from the data, there are disastrous consequences when no measures are put in place and individuals do nothing to change their behavior. Even with the WHO’s conservative estimate of an R_0 of 2 will result in nearly 80% of the population infected, while an R_0 of 2.6, probably much closer to the true value, will result in nearly 90% of the population being infected. In this idealized scenario where there is only 1 single case of importation from a foreign country, the peak of infections will occur around 3 to 4 months after the start of the outbreak.

According to the World Health Organization, Singapore has an average of 2.4 hospital beds per 1000 people, or 0.24% of the population. Assuming that 5% of patients required hospitalization, during the peak of the infections for R_{0}=2.6, that is 1.2% of the entire population, outstripping capacity by nearly 5 times over.

Using even this basic model, the results are comparable to values determined up by researchers using much more advanced mathematical analysis at Imperial College London. According to a report released on March 3rd, 2020: modelling an unmitigated epidemic in the United Kingdom, for an R_{0}=2.4, they estimate that up to 79% of the UK population will be infected, and a corresponding proportion of 87% for an R_0=3.0. This demonstrates that this simple S-I-R model, though not accounting for factors such as age and population behavior, can produce a good ballpark estimate for the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The plot of the peak proportion of the population and the final epidemic size are the graphs below. (see code in Appendix B and Appendix C)

Graph 1.3– Final Epidemic Size as Proportion of Population Against R_0 from 0.0 to 4.0

Graph 1.4– Peak Epidemic Size as Proportion of Population Against R_0 from 0.0 to 4.0

It is very difficult to determine the analytical solution for these values of R_0. In fact, the explicit solution to the S-I-R model, including these characteristics, was only determined by Harko and Lobo in 2014. Therefore, it is more customary to use numerical methods as I have done here, which are a lot more straightforward and convenient.

As can be seen in Graph 1.3, for R_{0} \textless 1, the epidemic is essentially self-limiting because the number of cases will experience exponential decay in a population as each person spreads to on average, less than 1 new person. Interestingly, there is a steep increase in the final epidemic size as the R_0 increases from 1.2 to 1.4. Whereas for an R_0 of 1.2, around 2% of the final population will become infected, the proportion rises to 50% for an R_0 of 1.4. The curve then tapers and asymptotes, approaching 100% of the population becoming infected as the R_0 increases past 4.0.

Graph 1.4 indicates the peak proportion of the population that will be infected at one time based upon the R_0, which is important as that gives an indication of the required hospital capacity. Even the country with the highest number of hospital beds per 100 people, Japan, at 1.34%, will not be equipped to handle the crisis. As already 75% of these beds are being used to care for existing patients, this translates to 0.40% spare capacity. Given that for an R_0 of 2.6, around 1.2% of the population may need to be hospitalized at the peak, allowing the epidemic to spread through the population will probably overwhelm hospital capacity.

Comparing COVID-19 with seasonal influenza, which according to a meta-analysis done by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has a median R_0 of 1.28. Based on my model, this indicates that 25% of the population will become infected in an entirely susceptible population. However, according to the CDC, perhaps around 3% to 11% of the population become infected in a typical flu season, with less than 1% of these cases cumulatively requiring hospitalization. Obviously, as a significant proportion of the population is annually vaccinated against influenza, the proportion of the population that are susceptible is naturally a lot less.

This evaluation shows how COVID-19 is much more transmissible and severe than the influenza, and a herd immunity approach is likely going to cause a significant amount of morbidity and mortality. As there is no vaccine available at the current moment, this indicates the disease’s high potential for overwhelming any country’s healthcare system.

Effect of the Varying the Initial Number of Cases, I_{0} (Travel Restrictions)

Another important effect to consider is the effect of the number of imported coronavirus cases (initial infectious cases, I_0, and the trajectory of the epidemic). Interestingly, as Graph 1.2, shows, there is a negligible difference in the shape of the graph depending on I_0. The dotted line, which shows the case when I_{0}=1000, appears to be a horizontal translation to the left of the solid line, where I_0=1. At least for the case where I_{0} \ll S_{0}, there appears to be minimal bearing on the eventual trajectory of the epidemic other than an initial delay. The reason is because that the I_0 determines at what stage of the epidemic that a country starts in, so it is simply a horizontal translation of the original curves to the right.

Graph 2.1- Solid line: I(0)=1, Dotted line: I(0)=1000, R_0=2.6, d=10

Some representative values for the number of imported cases are chosen. The day of the peak of infectious population, and peak proportion of infections is determined (See code in Appendix D).

To determine the relationship between the relationship between the number of imported cases and the day with the peak number of infections, a plot of the number of imported cases vs the number of days earlier that the outbreak happened as compared with the case when I(0)=1. If the translation of the original graph is \displaystyle {0\choose -k}, k is this value. This allows for a comparison of how many days earlier that the transmission has shifted without being affected by the transmission dynamics itself.

Number of Imported Cases, I_0 Peak Proportion of Pop. Infected Day with the Peak number of Infections Number of Days Earlier, k
1 23.29% 107 0
5 23.29% 96 11
10 23.28% 92 15
50 23.29% 81 26
100 23.29% 76 31
500 23.30% 65 42
1,000 23.29% 61 46
10,000 23.41% 45 62

In Python, a linear regression was fitted to ln(I_0) against k as shown in Graph 2.2 with the result being ln(I0)=0.1490k+0.0150 with a coefficient of correlation, or r^{2} of 0.99987, which is very close to 1. This near perfect fit means that the relationship between I_0 and k is exponential, at least for small values of I_0.

\displaystyle ln(I_0)=0.1490k+0.0150
\displaystyle I_0=e^{0.1490k+0.0150}=e^{0.1490k}=1.015e^{0.1490k}

For the purposes of the model fitting, I_0 is plotted on the y-axis and k is plotted on the x-axis, but really I_0 is the independent variable whilst k is the dependent. Isolating k,

\displaystyle 0.01490k=ln(I_0)-0.0150
\displaystyle k=6.711ln(I_0)-1.007

Graph 2.2– Semilog Plot of ln(I_0) against k, R_0=2.6, d=10

Graph 2.3– Normal Plot of I_0 against k, R_0=2.6, d=10
The reason for this is because the spread in the initial stages of an epidemic is very close to an exponential model. Using equation (1) model obtained at the start I=I_0 \cdot e^{0.16t}.

\displaystyle I=e^{ln(I_0)+0.16t}=e^{1+\frac{ln(I_0)}{0.16}}\cdot 0.16t=e^{0.16(6.25ln(I_0)+1)t}

This is equivalent to a horizontal translation of \displaystyle {0\choose -6.25ln(I_0)-1} from I=e^{0.16t}

\displaystyle k=6.25ln(I_0)+1

This is close to k=6.711 \cdot ln(I_0)-1.007 that we have derived from the above.

The result has significant implications for managing an epidemic, as it shows where the benefits of the travel restrictions are the greatest, as well as the reason for the large delay between countries where there is epidemic spread. Although the model is based on Singapore, it could be re-applied to other countries with appropriate population adjustments.

Some representative cities and the day when the cumulative case count surpassed 100 are listed in the chart below. Part of the reason for the latent outbreak as severe or even more severe than Wuhan was due to the frequency of international travel from Wuhan to these cities, which is related to geographic proximity to China.

People’s Republic of China South Korea Italy UK USA
City Wuhan Shanghai Daegu Lombardy London New York
Date Jan. 18th Jan. 29th Feb. 21st Feb. 23rd March 12th March 13th
Delay 0 11 34 36 54 55

The effect of travel restrictions could also be explored here.

Assume that the original number of imported cases is I_0,


If travel restrictions reduce the number of imported cases by 80%, I_0=0.2I_0

k_{new}=-10.8+k by substituting in for k

Thus, the reduction is invariant to the absolute number of cases: whether reducing the number of imported cases from 500 to 100, or from 5 to 1, the epidemic would be delayed by 11 days with a travel restriction of 80%.If travel restrictions reduce the number of imported cases by 90%, the epidemic would be delayed by -6.711ln(0.1)=15 days. If the number of imported cases is reduced by 95%, the delay is 20 days.

In the following Graph 2.4, I plot the effect of a reduction of the number of imported cases by a certain percentage against the number of days that the epidemic trajectory will be delayed by.

Graph 2.4– Plot of Days the Epidemic is Delayed against Imported Cases

As can be seen, there is a vertical asymptote when no cases are imported, indicating that the epidemic will never start. If countries responded early enough to the outbreak by locking down their borders like North Korea had done, this may be the case. The effectiveness of the travel restriction rapidly decreases the less effective it is. According to this model, 99% effective travel restriction may delay the epidemic for up to 31 days, a 95% effective one would only delay it for 20 days and a 90% effective one by 15 days.

According to a paper published in the journal Science, the shutdown of the Wuhan International Tianhe Airport on January 23rd, delayed the epidemic in the rest of China only by 3 to 5 days, and internationally up to 2 to 3 weeks until mid-February. According to their analysis of air traffic data there was an observed 86% reduction in the number of cases exported from China following this travel ban. According to my crude model, would correspond to a -6.711ln(0.14)=13.2 day delay, which seems quite reasonable.

Limitations of this model
This model is based on the idealized scenario that all the imported cases would come in at the beginning of the epidemic on the first day, while in most cases in the real world, cases are imported over a period of time of days to weeks. Perhaps an interesting analysis is to look at how an COVID-19 epidemic has spread on a cruise ship such as the Diamond Princess. It is a closed population with a fixed number of initial infected cases, which is arguably the closest situation to the idealized scenario presented here.

Effect of “Government Lockdowns” (Movement Restrictions)

It is unrealistic to expect a government or its citizens to behave as if nothing has changed in an epidemic. We can see this from real world data, evidently, that most countries have not had their outbreaks infect more than 5% of their population, whereas in a previous section, it was predicted that around 80% to 90% of population will eventually become infected had the outbreak been unmitigated. This is due to drastic movement restrictions that have been implemented in most countries following an exponentially increasing number of cases.

I will investigate the hypothetical situation where following an uncontrolled outbreak, the Singaporean government implements a lockdown on a certain day after the beginning of the outbreak. What this means for the model is that the force of infection, , will be reduced by a certain percentage following the day of the lockdown. In the following Graph 3.1, I have plotted the unmitigated epidemic in solid lines, and a reduction of by 90% starting from day 91 and Day 101 respectively. (See code in Appendix E). As R_0=\beta S_0d, and d=10, the 90% reduction, in effect, reduces the R_0 from 2.6 to 0.26.

Graph 3.1– Initial Conditions: I(0)=1, R_0=2.6, d=10, \beta S_0=0.26; Reduction of 90% after lockdown on day 91 and 101: \beta S_0=0.026, R_0=0.26

As can be seen, the epidemic is essentially cut short starting from the day that the lockdown occurs, as the transmissibility of the virus is decreased drastically. Essentially, the red infected curve begins to exponentially decay as the sick recover at a rate of \gamma.

We can approximate this decay curve by looking back at the S-I-R differential equations:

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt}=\beta \cdot S \cdot I -\gamma \cdot I       and       \displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}=(\gamma \cdot I)

Assuming \beta = 0 simplifies the system into:

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt}=-\gamma \cdot I       and       \displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}=(\gamma \cdot I)

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{dt} can be solved by separation of variables:

\displaystyle \frac{dI}{I}=-\gamma dt

\displaystyle \int \frac{dI}{I}=\int -\gamma dt

\displaystyle ln(I)=-\gamma t+c

\displaystyle I=e^{-\gamma t+c}

\displaystyle I=I_d \cdot e^{-\gamma t} (4)

Substituting this into \displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt} yields

\displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}=\gamma \cdot I_d \cdot e^{-\gamma t}

\displaystyle \int dR=\int \gamma \cdot I_d \cdot e^{-\gamma t}

\displaystyle R=R_{d}-I_{d}\cdot e^{-\gamma t}{-\gamma t}

\displaystyle R=R_{d}-I

Obviously, \beta will not always be equal to 0 in the real world, as movement restrictions may not always be so restrictive. Furthemore, as Graph 2.1 shows, the day on which the restriction is implemented also has a large effect on the final epidemic size. There are two variables that could be changed here, so I’m going to plot a one graph 8 lines representing no movement restrictions, and movement restrictions implemented on Day 71, 81, 91, 101, 111, and 121 with the R_0 on the x-axis and the final epidemic size on the y-axis. (See Code in Appendix F)

Graph 3.2– Final Epidemic Size as Proportion of Pop. Against Movement Restrictions; Numbers in Brackets[] along the x-axis are the corresponding R_0

As determined in a previous section, Day 107 is the peak of the number of current infected cases, so obviously, intervening after that would be ineffectual in significantly altering the course of the epidemic, as seen in the curves representing Day 111 and 121. In fact there is not a very significant difference as opposed to not intervening at all at this point, which will result in 89.9% of the population eventually becoming infected. The curves representing interventions on an earlier date are lower than that of curves representing intervening at a later date, and locking down even 10 days earlier has a significant consequence on the trajectory of the epidemic. While locking down on Day 91 may see approximately 20% of the population infected, locking down on Day 101 will result in up to 50% for an R_0 of below 0.5.Not surprisingly, as can be seen in Graph 3.2, the most effective interventions are those implemented early and reduces the transmissibility by a significant proportion. The curve representing measures implemented on Day 1 is the same curve as the one in Graph 1.3, as movement restrictions essentially reduce rate of infection which is proportional to the R_0 of the virus.

It can be seen that reducing the $R_0$ by more than 60% is a significant value an effective lockdown measure, as 40% of 2.6 approximately gives an R_0 of 1, indicating that the epidemic is beginning to die out. Interventions that reduce the R_0 by only 40%, no matter how early it is implemented, are all extremely ineffective. As can be seen in the chart, reducing the R_0 to 1.56 will result in 61% of the population becoming infected if it is implemented on Day 1, and a modest increase to 66% if implemented on Day 91.

Graph 3.3– Epidemic Size of Cities as of May 1st, 2020

Obviously there is nowhere where cases have gotten as serious as to infect such a large proportion of the population. In Graph 3.3 above, I have plotted the corresponding percentages of the populations infected of some cities which have seen outbreaks of coronavirus.

Whilst the movement restriction model here is explicitly for Singapore, as all these cities have populations on the same order of magnitude, and changing these populations have very little impact on the trajectory of the epidemic, they can be compared with validity.

The cities marked in green have outbreaks that are largely over (Auckland, Daegu, Wuhan, and Lombardy), while the cities in red (Paris, Singapore, and New York) have outbreaks that are ongoing, and are thus likely to worsen. Again, using this simplistic model, it can be clearly seen here that delaying the lockdown by a few days could have a significant impact on the final number of COVID-19 cases. The difference between implementing a lockdown that decreases transmission to 0% on Day 76 and Day 71 may be the difference between having approximately 2.0% of the population infected v.s. 1.0% of the population. For example, Lombardy has 65% more cases per capita than Wuhan, but according to this model, this may be simply down to less than a 3-day difference in when their respective governments had implemented the lockdown.

From the graph, it can also be clearly seen that New York is experiencing a disproportionately severe outbreak as compared with most of the other cities. Based on this model, that may be either due to New York implementing the lockdown too late, having a lockdown that is not effective enough, or a combination of these two factors.

The cities marked in green have outbreaks that are largely over (Auckland, Daegu, Wuhan, and Lombardy), while the cities in red (Paris, Singapore, and New York) have outbreaks that are ongoing, and are thus likely to worsen. Again, using this simplistic model, it can be clearly seen here that delaying the lockdown by a few days could have a significant impact on the final number of COVID-19 cases. The difference between implementing a lockdown that decreases transmission to 0% on Day 76 and Day 71 may be the difference between having approximately 2.0% of the population infected v.s. 1.0% of the population. For example, Lombardy has 65% more cases per capita than Wuhan, but according to this model, this may be simply down to less than a 3-day difference in when their respective governments had implemented the lockdown.

From the graph, it can also be clearly seen that New York is experiencing a disproportionately severe outbreak as compared with most of the other cities. Based on this model, that may be either due to New York implementing the lockdown too late, having a lockdown that is not effective enough, or a combination of these two factors.

Limitations and Extensions

Obviously, the model only allows for relative comparison, as the number of days from the start of an outbreak is not absolute and will depend on when the epidemic has started in each country. Furthemore, it is difficult to define how much movement restrictions have reduced \beta in the real world, as it is difficult to quantify the extent of the reduction in movement in countries, and then link that to a tangible reduction in the number of cases infected per infectious person, the R_0 value. However, this model does allow us to compare epidemic trajectories for the different cities in question.

When implementing social distancing and movement restrictions, it is also important for governments to take into account ethical and social concerns. These movement restrictions may disproportionately affect some groups of individuals, such as those who are homeless, disabled, unemployed, or have low income. The burden of workplace and school closure may result in both short and long term consequences for the livelihood and well-being of these people. It is important to further investigate the impact of social distancing measures to ensure that they are as equitable as they are effective.

Fitting the Model to Real World Data- New Zealand

In the following section, I will attempt to fit the above S-I-R model with a government movement restriction to the coronavirus epidemic in New Zealand. While I would like to use the Singapore data for this analysis as I have modelled Singapore for the previous portion of my investigation, the outbreak is still ongoing. Thus, it is still too early to see the tangible effect of the government “circuit breaker.” New Zealand has tested widely, provides transparent data, and has implemented a swift government lockdown and travel restrictions, so it is quite an ideal dataset (the data is from the European Center for Disease Control Global Dataset). I have changed nothing about the S-I-R model except to adjust the population size from 5.804 million to 4.815 million.

New Zealand Population 4,815,000 (2019)
Initial Force of Infection (\beta) 0.26/5,804,000
Rate of Recovery (\gamma) 0.1
Days of Lockdown 13, 15, 17
Percent Reduction of \beta 90%

New Zealand Model Key Characteristics

Graph 3.4– S-I-R Model of New Zealand Epidemic with Control Measures

To allow for reasonable comparison of the New Zealand data with the S-I-R model, I have normalized everything to start from the day when the case count of the number of currently infected people surpassed 100. The green curves represent the Recoveries (in this case a sum the number of recovered and deaths), while the red curves represent the number of currently infected people. According to Graph 3.3, Auckland New Zealand looks as if it had a lockdown implemented on Day 46. When normalized to start from the case count of 100, this is Day 13 on this graph represented by the dashed lines. The other two curves represent lockdowns starting on Day 15 and Day 17 respectively. The model represents the effect of a 90% reduction in the force of infection, \beta, immediately after the lockdown is implemented.

The set of curves representing a lockdown starting from Day 13 is perhaps the best fit for the New Zealand epidemic. The model predicts that just under 1500 people will contract the disease cumulatively in New Zealand, while as of May 2nd, 1485 have been confirmed with COVID-19 according to the New Zealand Ministry of Health. The other models representing lockdown from Day 15 and Day 17 overpredict the cumulative number of coronavirus cases by a large margin, around 1900 cases and 2500 cases.

However, there are several problems with the Day 13 model. New Zealand has already implemented a lockdown starting from March 25th, which is Day 3 in this model, and cases only peaked there on Day 15, a full 12 days after the lockdown had been implemented. According to the transmission dynamics of the S-I-R model, cases will peak immediately once the lockdown has been implemented due to the immediate reduction in the transmission rate. This discrepancy is probably due to a combination of factors. One may be the delay between when a person becomes infectious and when they are tested positive and thus recorded as a positive case. Perhaps the most important is the incubation period of the virus, of which the person is infected but is not infectious, in a stage which epidemiologists call “Exposed.” According to a study from the researchers at Johns Hopkins University, the incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days, but the mode is 5 days. A more advanced model, the S-E-I-R model, will take this into account.

Final Conclusions

In this investigation, I have explored several of the most important factors of the S-I-R compartmental model by implementing the differential equations in Python. Thus, I have been able to draw critical conclusions resulting from varying the following independent variables in the program. These are summarized below:

  1. Singapore S-I-R Model: Unmitigated epidemic may cause up to 89.9% of the population of 5.8 million becoming infected by COVID-19
  2. Effect of R_0 on Progression of Epidemic, Peak and Final Epidemic Size: R_0 above 1.2 drastically increases the severity and rate of progression of the epidemic
  3. Effect of I_0 on Progression of Epidemic, Peak and Final Epidemic Size: I_0 has negligible effect on the final or peak epidemic size, however, shifts the epidemic to start earlier.
  4. Effect of “Government Restrictions”: Time and strictness of implementation
  5. Fitting S-I-R Model with New Zealand Data

However, there are several limitations to this method of analysis. As the set of differential equations model continuous change, and the iterative program could only describe discrete change (albeit over many incremental time steps) there will always be a small discrepancy with the analytical solution. The S-I-R model itself is also quite simplistic in its assumptions:

  1. It assumes everyone in the population will have an equal probability from getting an infection from a diseased person. However, in reality, close contacts such as family members, peers, and colleagues are much more likely to be infected.
  2. Another unrealistic assumption is that people who are infected will immediately become infectious themselves. However, in reality, there is often an incubation period of several days the person becomes infectious. For COVID-19, as I have discussed, it averages to around 5 days. This is fairly significant considering that the infectious period is double that, around 10 days. A more advanced model, the S-E-I-R model, which has an extra “Exposed” category of individuals, takes that into account.
  3. The S-I-R model assumes that all parameters are constant and have no variance. In reality, there is often quite a wide variation of the infectious period and the recovery rate for each individual. Factors such as age and general health condition have been demonstrated in COVID-19 to have a large impact on these factors. Random stochastic variations resulting from this that may have a large bearing on the epidemic trajectory in the transmission rate are not factored into account.
  4. Quarantine and isolation measures reduce the effective infectious period of COVID-19. For example, a Cochrane meta-analysis indicated there is a significant benefit resulting from quarantining travelers to reduce imported cases and infected individuals to prevent further spread. The S-I-R model used here has not taken this into account.

Final Reflections

The COVID-19 pandemic is a current, ongoing event of drastic societal and personal significance to myself and the people around me. Through this exploration, I was not only able to gain a deeper understanding of the science and mathematics behind this, but also share some of this insight with my peers, enabling them to gain a deeper and perhaps more complete understanding of recent events. Whilst in the beginning I was perhaps overly ambitious about the scope of the project and spent a lot more time than I had anticipated especially going through the technical aspects of the Python programming, I was able to successfully overcome this challenge after many hours meticulously combing through the code and taking a basic online course on MatPlotLib.

In the past, my experience with science and mathematics projects have largely been groupwork, but this individual exploration taught me the importance of self-management and independent research. Meeting with my mentor, Mr. Mollitt and discussing my project with him was also a challenge to the remote nature of the discussions. However, due to the constraints on accessing physical media and materials from the lab as a result of COVID-19, I have developed skills that would be very useful for me in the future, such as finding and evaluating reliable online sources, analyzing large datasets, and computer programming.

This project introduced me to the world of computational epidemiology, and the close-knit interplay between statistics and healthcare. To further develop this project, I could apply this method of analysis to a larger number of countries to see whether it is as applicable as it is here. I could see extending this project into a possible educational tool to be used in classes as a way to teach students on mathematical topics such as calculus, logarithms, logistic and exponential growth, recursive relations, or in science classes in topics such as data analysis, epidemiology, and disease, all in relation to programming and computer science.
In the future, I would like to further investigate other models that could tackle some of the limitations as mentioned in the previous section and see how they are implemented with the assistance of a computer program.

Addendum: Parameter Estimation with Real-World Data
In this extra section, I will attempt to come up with estimates for the 2 key parameters,R_0 and D, based on the exponential models as determined previously in the investigation.

Cumulative number of confirmed cases in the beginning: N=N_0 \cdot e^{rt}

Remaining Infectious Cases after Lockdown: I=I_d \cdot e^{-\gamma t}

Estimating the Basic Reproductive Number, R_0

In the graph below, I plot the cumulative number of cases since the day that total case count had surpassed 100. This is so as to remove any latent delay of the epidemic in 4 different countries, Spain, United States, Germany, South Korea. All of these countries had experienced or are experiencing fairly severe outbreaks of COVID-19. The raw data is taken from the European Center for Disease Control Open Data Portal.

Graph 4.1 is a semilog plot of COVID-19 outbreaks in several countries compared with the theoretical exponential scenario as a straight line. As can be clearly seen, in the initial stages of the outbreak becoming uncontrolled and more widespread, the trend was clearly approximated by the exponential, indicating the R_0 value of 2.6 is probably very close to the actual R_0. We could fit a semi-log regression to the data of these countries before the point the curves begin to flatten to estimate the R_0 based upon each country’s data.

Graph 4.1– Semilog Plot of COVID-19 outbreaks in Spain, US, Germany, South Korea

Graph 4.1 is a semilog plot of COVID-19 outbreaks in several countries compared with the theoretical exponential scenario as a straight line. As can be clearly seen, in the initial stages of the outbreak becoming uncontrolled and more widespread, the trend was clearly approximated by the exponential, indicating the R_0 value of 2.6 is probably very close to the actual R_0. We could fit a semi-log regression to the data of these countries before the point the curves begin to flatten to estimate the R_0 based upon each country’s data.

Country Data Taken up to Day Calculated R_0 Correlation Coefficient (r^2)
Spain 20 2.92 0.985
United States 20 2.90 0.998
Germany 20 2.52 0.993
South Korea 15 2.32 0.933

Obviously, epidemiologists have much more advanced models which they could use to calculate R_0, but even using this basic method, we are starting to get values that lie within the expected range of 2 to 3 as determined by the WHO and Imperial College London. We can be fairly confident that the effect of herd immunity on the value of these R_0 values are likely to be small, given that none of these outbreaks had become extremely widespread in the community, for example, where over 10% of the population had become infected.

Estimating the Duration of Disease, D

Here, we will use the data from three countries which have successfully controlled the outbreak: New Zealand, China, and Austria. As we have seen before, the remaining number of infections follows an exponential decay as described by the equation: I=I_d \cdot e^{-\gamma t}. A linear regression is fitted to the natural logarithm of the remaining number of currently infected cases after daily new cases have fallen below 20% of the peak value.

Graph 4.1– Semilog Plot of COVID-19 outbreaks in China, Austria, and New Zealand

As can be seen in Graph 4.1, the remaining number of infectious cases in these countries decay in an exponential fashion as indicated by the linear relationships on a semilog scale. The correlation coefficients are close to 1, indicating a very good fit.

New Zealand example calculation

\displaystyle ln(I)=ln(I_0)-\gamma t

\displaystyle \gamma =-slope

\displaystyle \gamma =0.082

As \displaystyle D=1/\gamma

\displaystyle D=1/0.082=12(days)

Country Rate of Recovery Calculated D Correlation Coefficient (r^2)
New Zealand 0.082 12 0.996
Austria 0.065 15 0.982
China 0.064 15 0.967

The values of 12, 15, and 15 days are close, though consistently higher than the WHO value of 10 days. This is probably be attributed to the fact that there are still new cases every day, so the decrease in currently infectious cases will be slower than the predicted ideal, lengthening the calculated duration of infection.

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In the following Appendices, I have provided in full the most important pieces of code in the Python programming language that I have used over the course of the investigation. All the code here is original.

Appendix A- Code for SIR Singapore Epidemic

import cmath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


for t in range (1,period+1):



print "Transmission Rate=", Trans
print "Recovery Rate=", Recov
print "R0=", R0
print "Final Proportion Infected=", Proportion
print "Peak Proportion Infected=", Peak
print "Final Epidemic Size=", recovered[period]
print "time=", time
print "susceptible=", susceptible
print "infected=", infected
print "recovered=", recovered

plt.plot(time, susceptible, color='b', label='Susceptible')
plt.plot(time, infected, color='r', label='Infected')
plt.plot(time, recovered, color='g', label='Recovered')

plt.xlabel('Time (days)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Individuals')
plt.title('Unmitigated Singapore Epidemic, $R_0=2.6$')

Appendix B-Code for Final Epidemic Size Against R_0

from scipy import stats
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Initial Conditions
Final Epi Proportion=[]

for i in range (0, len(R0)):

for t in range (1,period+1):


print Proportion

plt.plot(R0, Finalepiproportion, 'ro', color='black')

#plot smooth line
for n in range (0,4000):
for i in range (0, len(R0cont)):


for t in range (1,period+1):

print Proportion

plt.plot(R0cont, Finalepiproportioncont, color='green')

plt.xlabel('Basic Reproductive Number ($R_0$)')
plt.ylabel('Final Epidemic Size as Proportion of Population (%)')
plt.title('Final Epidemic Size against $R_0$')

Appendix C-Code for Peak Epidemic Size Against R_0

from scipy import stats
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Initial Conditions

for i in range (0, len(R0)):


for t in range (1,period+1):



plt.plot(R0, Peakepiproportion, 'ro', color='black')

#plot smooth line

for n in range (0,4000):


for i in range (0, len(R0cont)):


for t in range (1,period+1):



plt.plot(R0cont, Peakepiproportioncont, color='black')

plt.xlabel('Basic Reproductive Number ($R_0$)')
plt.ylabel('Peak Epidemic Size as Proportion of Population (%)')
plt.title('Peak Epidemic Size against $R_0$')

Appendix D- Code for Effect of Imported Cases on Singapore Epidemic

import cmath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

#Initial Conditions

for t in range (1,period+1):



print "Transmission Rate=", Trans
print "Recovery Rate=", Recov
print "R0=", R0
print "Final Proportion Infected=", Proportion
print "Peak Proportion Infected=", Peak
print "Final Epidemic Size=", recovered[period]

plt.plot(time, susceptible, color='b', label='Susceptible-1')
plt.plot(time, infected, color='r', label='Infected-1')
plt.plot(time, recovered, color='g', label='Recovered-1')


for t in range (1,period+1):


plt.plot(time, susceptible, color='b', linestyle='dashed', label='Susceptible-1000')
plt.plot(time, infected, color='r', linestyle='dashed', label='Infected-1000')
plt.plot(time, recovered, color='g', linestyle='dashed', label='Recovered-1000')

plt.xlabel('Time (days)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Individuals')
plt.title('Unmitigated Singapore Epidemic, $R_0=2.6$')

Appendix E- Code for Effect of Lockdown on Singapore Epidemic

from scipy import stats
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

#Initial Conditions

for t in range (1,201):


print "Transmission Rate=", Trans
print "Recovery Rate=", Recov
print "R0=", R0

plt.plot(time, susceptible, color='blue', label='Susceptible')
plt.plot(time, infected, color='red', label='Infected')
plt.plot(time, recovered, color='green', label='Recovered')

#Control Measures Applied on day lockd

for i in range (0,2):


for t in range (1,lockd[i]):


for t in range (lockd[i],201):


if i==0:

plt.plot(time, infected, ':', color='red', label='')
plt.plot(time, recovered, ':', color='green', label='')
plt.plot(time, susceptible, ':', color='blue', label='')
plt.plot(time, time, ':', color='black', label='from Day 91')

elif i==1:

plt.plot(time, infected, '--', color='red', label='')
plt.plot(time, recovered, '--', color='green', label='')
plt.plot(time, susceptible, '--', color='blue', label='')
plt.plot(time, time, '--', color='black', label='from Day 101')

plt.xlabel('Time (days)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Individuals')
plt.title('Mitigated Singapore Epidemic, $R_0=2.6$')

Appendix F-Code for Effect of Lockdown on Singapore Epidemic

from scipy import stats
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


for n in range (0,201):


for i in range (0,len(FOIProp)):


for t in range (1,period+1):

recovered.append(R) Proportion=100*(5804000.-susceptible[period])/5804000.
plt.plot(FOIPerc, Finalepiproportion, color='black')

for i in range (0,8):


for n in range (0, len(FOIProp)):


for t in range (1,lockd[i]):


for t in range (lockd[i],period+1):

plt.plot(FOIPerc, Finalepiproportion, color='black')


for n in range (0,5):


for i in range (0,8):


for n in range (0, len(FOIProp)):


for t in range (1,lockd[i]):


for t in range (lockd[i],period+1):

plt.plot(FOIPerc, Finalepiproportion, 'o', color='black')


for n in range (0,5):


for i in range (0,8):


for n in range (0, len(FOIProp)):


for t in range (1,lockd[i]):


for t in range (lockd[i],period+1):

print Finalepiproportion
plt.plot(FOIPerc, Finalepiproportion, 'o', color='black')

plt.xlabel('Movement as Percentage of Normal (%)')
plt.ylabel('Final Epidemic Size as Proportion of Population (%)')
plt.title('Effect of Movement Restrictions on Final Epidemic Size')

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