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The corona virus outbreak has made our school shift to online learning. Though its different, i feel that collectively us grade 11 students have managed to adapt well to the sudden change. Its been difficult to continue some activities however we have made it work in whichever way we can. (LO5) For the local service i chair which is PCF (arts and crafts with kids) we haven’t been able to physically go to the school in a very long time ever since the corona outbreak; this was unfortunate to hear because my group and I were very fond of the little children and wanted to find a way to ease the chaotic situation that must have been extremely hard for them to cope with. Hence we decided as a group to take turns and each record a video of ourselves and send it to the local school so that the teachers could play it for the kids. during this time we also had a google meet where i assigned roles to everyone including myself to finish the website we had to do for our service by the 25th of may, everyone worked very well and hard to finish the website and it looked great (Link).(LO2) At first it was hard to get everyone on task through just emails but once i set up a Gmeet everyone was open to listening and finished the work as a group . Due to the COVID crisis it was hard to continue with dance (LO4) which i have been doing 3 times every single week for the past 2 and a half years. We started out with online video chat classes. This was frustrating at first because dancing is very hard when you cant actually see the instructor and coordination also started to get harder, these were issue i have never had to deal with and it was hard to come to terms with them. However i found a solution and asked my teacher to send me videos of her doing the dance so i could practice before the classes and not fall behind. I have been doing online dance classes for about 2 months now, every week and my team and I have adapted really well. I have also been attending the Cancer awareness GC that has now moved to online Google meets every Tuesday where we discuss the website and improvements for the following year.