Maths and Me

  1. I’m Chloe Shim and my previous mathematics experience would be having taken FIB Add Math course.
  2. I think math is challenging but rewarding because I become so happy and proud of myself when I get to understand what I didn’t in the past and manage to solve hard problems. I’m so excited to start this course but little bit nervous at the same time because I believe that what I will get to learn in IB Math HL course will be totally different in terms of depth and level from what I  learned as Math in the past( in FIB and middle school in Korea).
  3. I would put myself in the middle be cause I enjoy both trying several methods by myself and learning how other people(could be teachers and peers) approach things.
  4. I go back to basics and lay the groundwork(solving easy problems using myimaths) before going into depth  to make sure that I fully understand basic principle.This is because I realised that small mistakes and lack of understanding of basic principles could actually lead to larger problem in the future.
  5. I think my biggest strength in learning math is persistency because I don’t give up even when I’m struggling with  hard questions and try to deal with them. My biggest area of focus would be collaboration because sometimes I prefer working by myself especially in math but I think discussing with peers could add depth to my mathematical knowledge