In what ways is the advert “The Look” ‘a story about bias’ in contemporary American society?

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


The short film takes us through a coloured man’s day, we get to see his direct perspective through his expressions as he receives discriminatory looks by several passersby throughout the day. The advert explores the different racial biases and issues faced by black men in the contemporary world.

In Figure 2, at the start of the video we see a father and son walking by as his son and a young girl sitting in the car along with her mom interact with a hand wave. As the two were interacting, the mother quickly put her window up. The young girl symbolises a world that is prejudice free, the children aren’t even aware of the differentiations between colours. In contrast to the little girl the mother symbolises the modern people living in society who are polluted by prejudices, that they over shadow the genuine and pure aura of society. As the woman put the window up – this shows that society is blocking the view of moving forward and changing.

In figure 3, we see a coloured man sitting on the judge seat, it seems to act as a epilogue to the short film where we see a man who is judged through life because of his colour is treated with respect suggesting that the theme “let’s talk about the look so that we can see beyond it” and ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ – which talks about how contemporary United States judges a person based on their colour. It also shows people’s mindset and the contrasting difference in how he is treated inside vs outside the courtroom just because he has power inside.



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