In the poem, Mother to Son, and the advert The Talk, Hughes and P&G both celebrate the strength of black women whilst…

In the poem, Mother to Son, and the advert The Talk, Hughes and P&G both celebrate the strength of black women whilst black skinned mother’s talk their children through the brim and gleak reality of the prejudices black people phase on a daily basis. Although, the poem ‘Mother to Son’ and ‘The Talk’ are set in different time periods the message both the interpretations are trying to give are, a talk a black mother has with her child, about the ‘racial stereotypes and prejudices’.  “The talk” is usually when parents want to make their children aware of certain things they aren’t going to be taught by anyone but them, it usually is a talk we must have but don’t really want to. In the two interpretations, the mother being the more empathetic one between both the parents, makes her child aware of the racial discrimination her child might phase in his/her everyday environment. In both the interpretations the mothers encourage their child to undergo the difficulties and come out stronger just like she did. In “Mother to Son” – Hughes tries to keep the elements of tone and language very cultural showing authenticity of the black culture. In this poem the mother is very comfortable speaking about her difficulties – Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” – Hughes metaphorically illustrates the hardships she faced in her life through the words “crystal stair”. Lastly, the mother talk about “And sometimes goin’ in the dark, Where there ain’t been no light,” – this illustrates “no light” being identified has no sense of hope to move on in life. However, the mother tells her son “so boy, don’t you turn back” – showing a sense of motivation and strong will to strive for better no matter how hard it gets. 

In my opinion, both, “The Talk” and “Mother to Son” portray how important it is for parents to have certain conversations with their children to make them aware of the ruthless society they live in. The main idea behind ‘The talk” and “Mother to Son” is that most of these conversations occur behind closed doors and with the help of P and G, they would like to publicise these conversations to point out the important message and make a change by making everyone aware of racial discrimination.




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