Cognitive Rehabilitation Programme with Apex Harmony Lodge: Reflection 1

For the first few weeks of this service, we discussed about the strategic plan in order to be successful as a service. We have been discussing about the alternatives, since the people of Apex Harmony Lodge are unable to visit at the moment due to the pandemic. Therefore, we have planned to divide the service into two groups and further plan on the action we will be taking. We have decided that both the groups will make two interactive power point presentations in order to connect and communicate with the elderly people. The power point presentations will be consisting of interactive questions, for us to get to know the Apex Harmony Lodge people better and connect with them on a deeper level. Following that, we will have engrossing games for them to enjoy.

Although we might face certain issues with the connection since we will be conducting it online, we will work collectively with the help of everyone’s perspective and ideas and will make it an enjoyable experience for all.

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