Dragon Ventures: Reflection 1

Dragon Ventures is a creativity that is an entrepreneurial incubator that helps high school students to start their own ventures

I joined this creativity as I am interested in entrepreneurship, and coming up with several different ideas with the help of people. I enjoy listening to others perspective and suggestions – and this creativity offers plenty of that.

Initially i was attending Dragon Ventures remotely, which made the communication between my group and I quite arduous. However, ever since I have been back, we have worked on the base of the start-up and have gone through all the stages of legalisation in order to make sure we would not face any obstacles later on. As a group we are on the research stage right now, where we are synthesising our ideas and pinning it down to one – so that we could commence the start up.

Through the past few weeks I have developed several skills such as my communication skills by discussing our perspectives with everyone and getting our ideas out there – which helps us help one another modify our ideas. I have also developed collaboration skills, Critical thinking as well as being flexible with everyone’s ideas and being cooperative.

I am looking forward to further, developing our ideas and making them reality with the help of my group mates.

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