The above political cartoon shows a man wearing a head scarf, a mask in a camouflage print costume, representing the radical islam. The symbols on the box represent the major religions which are Christianity, islam, hinduism, judaism as well as the peace symbol. The man representing the radical muslims is shown slicing through the existing religions, further interpreting that he is destroying them. This political cartoon shines emphasis on how radical islamic groups such as the ISIS with the motivation to destroy other religions areĀ  making their own religion decline by representing islam and having these values. The radical muslim man is slicing the islam symbol as well, further symbolising that they are destroying their own religion as well. This can be interpreted in a way that radical islam is not actually islam as they don’t follow the same morals, beliefs and values as them and their main motive is to destroy their own religion as well. The man is destroying the peace symbol as well, meaning that they have “destroyed peace”, causing wars and destruction.

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