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Month: December 2017



This year I decided to try MUN for the first time. I didn’t really have many expectations because I had never done anything like this before. Before the conference I felt really nervous since I am not very good at speaking in front of big audiences. When the conference began I was a little bit lost and was finding it hard to keep up with the speed of the discussion. I shivered to think about being picked. Furthermore,  it hard to maintain the formal way of talking the entire time. At the end of the first day I had made 3 POIs and was slowly understanding how the conference worked. On the second day I felt a little more confident and more determined to push myself to speak more. I made 2 speeches and many more POIs and was participating much more. Speaking in front of the committee became less daunting and I found myself wishing that I was picked to speak every time. Overall, I am proud of the contributions and improvement I made over the course of the conference and am looking forward to doing it next year.

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