Connections between “Different” and “The Kid”

Though, these two films are very different in many aspects, such as “The Kid” is very intense and serious, while “Different” is more touching and light hearted. However, in both films there is a special connection between two people, which is what the movie is based around. In Kid there is a strong enough connection between the characters that the kid is able to bring the women back from the dead. This strong relationship in “Different” is less explicit until the end, the fact that both the girl and the boy go to the bench everyday at the same time, suggests that there is a strong connection between them. Furthermore, in both films the use of camerawork and music was significant. In “The Kid” the music was used to make the scene more intense, for the fighting to look more convincing to the viewer. The camerawork, with the different angles, such as the low angle shots and close ups clearly emphasised each kick or punch. While, in “Different” it was interesting, as we were purposely not shown how the boy arrived and left the bench each day, until the end of the movie when we found out that he was in a wheelchair. Therefore, in “Different” the camerawork was much more limited and it only focused on the movement of the girl, rather than all characters.

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