Football U19A 2019 Season

In this season of football I played for the school’s A-team in the ACSIS league, as a goalkeeper. Although I have been playing as a goalkeeper for years now, I still managed to make improvements to my ability through training and matches. The season started quick with a pre-season tournament, where I played alright. Although I was the substitute goalkeeper, I managed to get a lot of game time in the league. Additionally, I also got to play in a few matches at the Dragons tournament, where I played well enough not to let in a single goal.

Asides from improving my football skills, I also got to know my team-mates quite well. Although I was already friends with the seniors on my team, football provided me with a great opportunity to talk with the players in the younger grades.

Overall, I believe this was a really good season of football for me. I improved my skills, got to know people, and just generally enjoyed my time with the team. I believe I achieved learning outcome 5, because football is all about collaboration. During games, I had to communicate and work well with my defence in order to help my team win. Additionally, Vir (the other keeper) would train with each other in order to help us both improve.



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