CREST Task 2 + 3

Which skills will be important to focus on for this project?
leadership skills, linking to time management, and analytical skills
What was surprising about your results?
My problem-solving score was fairly low when I see that as one of my strengths
How might this understanding help you plan ahead?
Knowing more about my strengths will help me know what I am good about while being made aware of my weaknesses will allow me to be more conscious about what I need to do better at.

Group collaboration, time management
In 8th grade our science project did not entirely work, because we didn’t talk with our teacher a lot
Ensure I am organized and that I do not wait too long before starting
Other classes may have projects which may distract me

Personal Goals
Have a centralized focus early so I can develop of it
Have a good layout for my project

Our Group Cartoon

The cartoon that we made has the main intent of portraying celebrities in a negative light for a lot of their reactions to the lockdown imposed because of the coronavirus. In this cartoon we are specifically targeting Ellen DeGeneres for her comments that lockdown was just like “being in jail”. Our group wanted to portray Ellen in a negative way where her immense wealth and facilities at her disposal are shown, yet she still has the nerve to complain about her current abode. We use a platter of food, a garden and a uniquely designed structure in the back to convey the feeling of wealth and how being in lockdown is definitely not like being in jail. We chose to have the structures in the background so the main focus could still be on Ellen and her comment – which is bolded. Some of the feedback we received from other groups include us experimenting with Ellen’s facial expressions to help convey our message