What has lockdown taught me Pt. 1

Being under lockdown is something no one expected for the new decade. What’s important to know is that some things are bigger than what we think. No-one was prepared for this lock-down situation. Most experts underestimated the severity of this virus and were not willing to take the necessary steps to halt their daily lives. Everyone was focused on how to ensure that their lives would as great as possible and now we are in the worst recession since The Great Depression. COVID-19 has taught us a lot by all means. In such a fast, competitive world environment where everyone is busy achieving their life goals, no one has time to even think about anything else and suddenly the day where everything stopped, many lives got stuck at their places, everyone got confused what to do, where to go, what will happen, how it will end. Think positive, spend time with family, talk with your friends, do your allocated work with more energy, stay home stay safe, and most importantly follow the protocol assigned by government, by doing this we will push through

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