Personal Statement

I have been involved in several activities during this school year. I started the year by rejoining my service Coding for Good and almost finished our project which was creating a DT materials database where people could request materials. But before I finished the project, I was asked to join the Blue Dragon Project, where we have been developing an app for the GC as an informative human trafficking app. I have reduced the number of activities I have been apart of this year and I have focused on Basketball, Chess, Math and MUN. I have been part of the school chess team since 6th grade and this year joined the SEASAC Basketball team and SEAMC Math team. I am also an avid debater in MUN where I chaired a conference this year. Since 8th grade I have been involved with the admissions team to interview new students and take them on tours. Additionally, I love playing the guitar and am planning on taking my Grade 8 Trinity exam in November. My strengths have been my organisational skills, but I need to improve on my sleeping time.

IB Subject Reflections

IB Subject Reflections

Throughout most of high school I was fixated on a specific package that I wanted to follow Physics, Math, Computer Science as my HL’s and Economics, Chinese, English. However, as my interest in History grew I decided to take History as my HL. This does not mean I am going to discontinue any work I have done in computer science, but I am going to continue developing my programming skills and knowledge about computer science. Since the sciences and humanities are my strong subjects