Subversive Fairytale – Poem

The world burns.
The proud father looks on
as his minions raise his son for the land to see.
A desolate land.
The grass has overgrown and carcasses litter the ground

Scar, the King’s brother, looks on dismally.
The once prosperous kingdom
now serves as his brother’s playground.
Tyranny reigns supreme in this land once full of hope
Something must be done.

A cold night creeps in
The moon peers timidly at the unfolding event
As Scar approaches Mufasa
Claw meets with jaw
Roar clashes with tear

Mist seeps in.
Judgment awaits.
A new day rises.

The veil of darkness ascends over the kingdom
The sun’s rays shine through
Showering the people’s king with fortune
But. The son of darkness remains, retreating into the undergrowth
Waiting. Lurking.

Though the light shines bright across the land
A refuge of hate remains
The son bides his time, chaining his territory to his will
He sings of justice and peace
Yet his actions strike with brutality

Even with the peace under Scar
The land whispers of the rumors of the son
Rumors that he is not like his father
Dashing, chivalrous, generous, intelligent
He makes an offer one can’t refuse

The land calls for the son to return
Beguiled by his tales
claiming in fact it was Scar who was the bane of their pitiful lives
A showdown approaches
Will the truth prevail?

The two battle it out
The fountains of youth
clash against the stability of age
Twisting and turning as the world looks on,
Holding their breaths for the victor

Under the glaring night sky
A figure approaches
The son dripping with blood, roars triumphantly
The animals respond unequivocally
Following him like he is the pied piper

Onto peace and prosperity through shadows of trickery.
All hail The King.
All hail The King.
All hail The King

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