Reflection: Coding for Good

Since 9th Grade, I have been a part of the service Coding for Good; this year I joined the leadership team for Coding for Good and I am excited to further work with not only Mr Kann, but returning and new peers on projects. After my second week, we have now started developing the final product: an app for Blue Dragon GC that will act as an informative app for those in Vietnam who want to be more aware of what to do in case they find themselves in the predicament of being trafficked and how to avoid getting trafficked in the first place. Coding for Good has allowed me to explore and develop my skills in the field of programming while also making valid contributions to the school and providing support through my knowledge in programming.

This year in Coding for Good I am hoping to continue widening my programming skills while helping to administer several projects and hopefully help to organize our yearly hackathon. In the past, I have felt that I have not taken as much of a leadership role on projects – but I still contributed a fair amount to projects – this year I hope to be a source of advice from younger peers and also take a greater leadership responsibility in our flagship project. I look forward to continuedocumenting my journey in Coding for Good as I look to create products that will help our school and its partners.

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