Reflection: MUN

As an enthusiast of current affairs and an avid debater, I very much appreciate MUN and the many memories it has given me these last five years. This year in MUN I am also taking more of a leadership role and I am looking to increase my knowledge and possibly going into training. I do recognize that due to COVID many conferences will be happening virtually and this will certainly be much harder to conduct and participate in, but I am confident that I can still be a very active debater and come to interesting conclusions with my fellow delegates.

My main objective in MUN this year is to go more into training. I have always had an interest in training, but I always felt that it was too much responsibility to train and teach an entire classroom worth of students. However, as I have become more confident I feel that I am more ready to give thoughtful advice to more inexperienced delegates, which I feel will not only help them but will allow me to refresh and reflect on my own methods to approaching MUN. Through training, I feel I will be able to better understand my own strengths, weaknesses and better understand the approaches to being a good debater.

Reflection: Basketball

This is now my second year on the SEASAC Basketball team and so far it has been great, but I definitely feel I have room for improvement. Basketball is my first sport and I feel very passionate about the sport. My main goals for the next two years are to ensure that my confidence stays strong in all our games and that I become more of a vocal leader. I am aiming to eventually receive the role of captain, but this will only come through my coach observing my hard work, leadership and commitment to the team.

In the aspect of basketball, the main skills I want to work on concern my off-ball playmaking and 3 point shooting. I have always been an above-average 3 point shooter, but the system that I play in at school limits the chances I have to shoot 3 pointers, rather my place is to dribble, pass, defend and be the playmaker for our offense. Additionally, I want to improve my off-ball playmaking which includes scoring without taking so many dribbles, making efficient cuts, setting good screens and being a stronger and faster guard.

Furthermore, I also want to improve my fitness for basketball. Though my coach tells me I am a fast player, I want to continue pushing myself so I can help increase the speed of our offense. As our team is young and long this year, I feel that my increased speed would be a great addition to the team. Additionally, I am aiming to continue putting on more weight. Though, I have not been going to the gym in recent weeks I aim to put in more hours in the gym to increase my chest, shoulder and leg size.