CAS Project Reflections

investigation, preparation, action, reflection, demonstration

When I continued MUN in 11th grade, I wasn’t sure how our club could adjust to the new COVID-environment, all I knew was that I wanted to be involved. This is why I applied to join the MUN Executive team. With the MUN Exeuctive team, I investigated what the problems were facing our MUN club. In collaboration with the over mun club I helped coordinate communications and work to design a messaging and mun platform for our online conference


As part of my MUN experience, I participated in a multitude of experiences. I was a part of the MUN Executive Team every week where we organized the club, conferences and completed miscellaneous activities. As a MUN trainer, I oversaw the training of advanced MUN students, designing a curriculum for them. As secretariat in the 2021 MUN@UWCEAST conference, I had to oversee the success the conference. In 2020, I participated as a delegate and chair in several conferences.


My time in MUN has been extremely rewarding. I have been a part of this amazing MUN journey since the first year I was in UWC – 6th grade. In High School, I have loved being able to travel with my friends and participate in really interesting debates where I am able to sharpen my skills. For these last two years, I have had a great time having control over organizing conferences and running our MUN club. From starting as a beginner to now being on the leadership team of the entire club, this entire process has been very rewarding.