
Fox News Source
A medical advisor from a top college is announcing the discovery
Fox New’s Reputation/History
Rugano is not actually an advisor for Stanford, nor did anyone from Stanford know of any results about the use of hydroxychloroquine
The lead scientist of the program Didier Raoult is known to be a bit controversial, in fact he was banned one year from publishing in the journals of the American Society for Microbiology.

The Scientist Source
Lots of referencing
An op-ed
He has no credentials

CREST Task 2 + 3

Which skills will be important to focus on for this project?
leadership skills, linking to time management, and analytical skills
What was surprising about your results?
My problem-solving score was fairly low when I see that as one of my strengths
How might this understanding help you plan ahead?
Knowing more about my strengths will help me know what I am good about while being made aware of my weaknesses will allow me to be more conscious about what I need to do better at.

Group collaboration, time management
In 8th grade our science project did not entirely work, because we didn’t talk with our teacher a lot
Ensure I am organized and that I do not wait too long before starting
Other classes may have projects which may distract me

Personal Goals
Have a centralized focus early so I can develop of it
Have a good layout for my project