CAS G12 Reflection

In G12, I am still committed to my choir group Bersama that I started in G9 as well as my service group Lions Befrienders. This year, many great things were accomplished in both of these activities.

Starting with Lions Befrienders, as the chair of the service, I successfully transitioned my role to the juniors by showing them the mechanisms and interactions in this service group. As I am graduating soon, I tried my best to give the newest leaders a complete understanding of this service, our mission, as well as some mandatory work such as updating portfolios etc. Last year, due to the pandemic, the care package that was scheduled to be sent to the elderly cannot be accomplished. However, with COVID restrictions easing in Singapore, I believe I can coordinate with the current leadership group and the service office and send the care package we planned last year.

For Bersama, we have prepared many songs and we performed at the Wavelength concert in February. We have also gotten the opportunity to perform at graduation, and rehearsal is in progress. Through the 4 years I have been in Bersama and in the performing arts sector of the school, I really appreciate the collaboration skills I have learned, as many of these concerts/musicals need very precise coordination between the performers and the crew.

CAS has been a wonderful journey, it taught me the meaning of collaboration, communication, leadership, responsibility, initiative and many more, and I will definitely pursue similar/diverse activities moving on to university.

G11 + CAS Project Review – CAS

This is a video reflecting on my CAS journey in Grade 11, including my CAS Project! Enjoy!

This is the planning document for our service care package CAS project for evidence.


Surfaid Global Concern – Final Reflection

After a year of working with the Surfaid Global Concern Group, this would be a place to reflect on my progress throughout the year.

This year was a year full of challenges and achievements, we planned and hosted fundraising events, through selling merchandise, and swimming “virtually” to raise funds. Every group member actively contributed to discussions around these May projects. As the enterprise officer of the group, I contributed in ways I can by helping to set up stalls and calculating merchandise counts/variety. Although this year’s fund was less than other years due to the pandemic, we still raised a considerable amount, which surprised everyone in our group and in our school community.

#LO6 Global Value: Surfaid has had global value in mind since its creation. We focus on enhancing the lives of people on remote islands of Indonesia through active fundraising and direct care (although not this year due to the pandemic). It does not stop there, for our fundraising events, all products sold are proven to have a clean and sustainable supply chain, including the stall we hold this year.

#LO7 Ethics: We put ethics into our consideration when making any decisions. For instance, all our merchandise are ethically sourced. And that all our fundraising events are carefully taking into consideration of their impacts and implications.

I look forward to next year’s Surfaid, and I am very curious to see what will happen then!

Lions Befrienders Local Service – Final Reflection

After one year of working in and leading the local service group Lions Befrienders, I figured it would be time to reflect on the process and learning over this year.

#LO1 Awareness: Throughout this year, awareness was built within our service group in ways such as knowing which elderlies we service are unable to walk, which changes our activity routine every session. We learned to be aware of our movements, the elderlies’ reactions.

#LO3 Initiative: Our group constantly takes initiatives to achieve better. We constantly change our activity routine to diversify and spark our service partner’s interest. We planned a thank you letter at the end of the year in the form of a group video, sent to the service group.

#LO4 Commitment: Every group member, when first joined the service group, committed throughout. Which I am extremely grateful for. It’s this commitment and perseverance that keeps me going, too. Every member shows up every week during our session, no matter if it’s scheduled for a live call or a reflection. Everyone seems to be extremely enthusiastic about working towards our service group’s common goal of assisting the elderly.

#LO6 Global Value: The issue of an ageing population not only applies to Singapore but also everywhere else around the globe. And it is an issue that has to be tackled. Our service group is filled with global value hence the reason why we joined the service group at first.

#LO7 Ethics: Ethics is an important area of focus within our service group because elderlies are a vulnerable population and that there is an equal (and large) amount of respect and responsibility from our group members to the elderly. We make sure that they are doing just right and just enough so they are physically active. We often give them advice so they can actively age not only on a Monday afternoon but also at home.

Through the work of this year, I learned how our service group can make a difference in the elderly’ lives in the local community, and more importantly, we learned about the global community, and our service group tackles an issue that is persistent around the globe.

Basketball Final Reflection

Basketball seasons finished at the end of term 2, and below are my reflections on the learning outcomes which I have set myself at the beginning of the year.

#LO2 Challenge: Doing basketball challenges me because I am constantly learning new skills that I might not be good at. By stepping out of my comfort zone like this, it enables me to develop my thinking skills as well as my physique. It challenges me because putting new skills into practice requires a lot of failing and trying, and I enjoyed every moment of failing because it allows me to become better at this sport.

#LO4 Commitment: I have been playing basketball for years, and I am really glad that I forced myself to commit for this long, although the challenges and hardship that I pushed through. It’s because both my coach and I realized how much I have improved during these years. And I am very happy about my progress and I will certainly play this sport in the future. Although term 2 has finished, I am still playing basketball with my friends regularly to strengthen the skills I’ve learned.

#LO5 Collaboration: Basketball is a collaborative sport. It requires teamwork as basketball is played in teams. I learned how to collaborate as the coach taught us more skills regarding team offence/defence, as well as putting them into practice. I made a lot of friends from playing basketball and I really enjoy collaborating with teammates, I believe that the collaboration skills I learned from this not only will help me in this sport but also in study/social/work life in the future.

I really look forward to next year’s basketball program when we may finally play games against other schools!

Musical Showcase Final Reflection

The musical showcase is officially over after the performance on the 4th of February. This year, we had four consecutive shows, from 1-4 February.  Below will be my reflections on my learning outcomes:

#LO2 Challenge: The musical showcase was a challenge because so many things are new to me. Equipment, costumes, lightings… – these are all things that I have never interacted with before. Thus, by being involved in this showcase, it enables me to challenge myself and to learn many new things. At the end, I felt I progressed a lot and I felt I am a different person just by the number of skills and techniques I learned during the process. Although many were challenging, I managed to overcome those and

#LO3 Initiative: I have never done any musical shows before. And by being in this showcase, it enables me to take the initiative to challenge myself as well as learning various skills. I have always been a person who takes initiatives, no matter whether it is in the area of academics, services, or activities. In this show, I have suggested to crews a number of initiatives to fellow actors/actresses  such as stage position and stage setup. I also took initiatives regarding the reportoire composition. I believe by making small changes like this, it can make the showcase as a whole better, and make everyone’s experience better.

#LO5 Collaboration: In this musical showcase, I learned to collaborate with teachers, other actors/actresses, and the wonderful event crews. This musical showcase is a really big project that required a lot of people’s collaborative work and perseverance, and I think that by allowing myself to submerge into the musicals, I truly learned how to collaborate. Throughout the process, I also realized how important the element of collaboration in musicals.

I really look forward to next year’s “Jane Eyre” musical production.

Musical Showcase, 2nd reflection

It has been a few months into the musical showcase. With every rehearsal, I feel that I learned something new.

#LO1 Awareness: In the past months of musical showcase rehearsals, I have learned to be aware. Since I have multiple characters in the musical showcase (Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar, Pharaoh in Aida, ensemble in The Wiz and Jane Eyre), I have to be very aware of the scene and music change, which can affect the whole cast’s smoothness in transitioning. Also, I have to be aware of myself and my position so the audience can have the best experience during the show.

#LO2 Challenge: Since this is my first musical experience, it is challenging as I need to learn to dance, act and sing at once. However, I found this extremely fun as art is something I am always passionate about. This is a step outside of my comfort zone, and I am adapting really well.

#LO3 Initiative: I have never been in a musical showcase before, even though I have been in choirs and drama productions, musicals are a completely different experience and a pure initiative for me! It is different from other types of performing arts, it combines drama, music, theatre and dance together. I am enjoying the experience and I am very glad that I took the initiative.

#LO5 Collaboration: In the musical showcase, we learned how to collaborate. It’s because musical showcase requires collaboration between the cast members, between the staff and the actors, and between actors and teachers. Collaboration is important, it’s because when we are acting, we have to establish the relationship between all of the fictional characters. Thus, a better sense of collaboration can improve the show’s overall transition as well as the emotional impact on the audience.

I look forward to our final performance in a few weeks!

Basketball, 2nd reflection

Through the past few months, I played basketball with the school coaches in the U19 basketball team. Below are my reflections on the learning objectives I set myself at the beginning of the year.

#LO2 Challenge: I constantly challenge my boundaries through the last few months’ training. In my recent training, I asked my coach how far I have made since the beginning of the year, he said: “You progressed a lot, although some techniques and forms still need to be improved, well done.” I always challenge myself through actively pairing up with people that have more experience than me during group games.

#LO4 Commitment: Basketball is a sport that I am passionate about and I have committed to this sport since middle school. During the past months, I have participated in every training available, as well as playing basketball with my friends casually outside of training times. And I believe that casual basketball games are times when I can use the skills I learned during training to develop them further as well as putting them into practice.

#LO5 Collaboration: Basketball exercised my collaboration skills. During training, I realized I have been communicating and collaborating more with my teammates. Basketball is a team sport that needs a lot of communication and collaboration. During our attacks and defences, I began to use hand signals as well as verbal expressions to inform my teammates/trick opponents to the direction I am passing the ball to. Recently, I realized my passes, receives, attacks, and defences have been much smoother than what they used to be.

Basketball U&19 Pre-season, Beginning

Today, 2 September 2020, is the first session of my basketball U&19 Pre-season training.

This post is going to plan for my learning outcomes for the 1st season activities – Basketball.

#LO2 Challenge: First of all, basketball can challenge me. Although I have played basketball for several years now. My skills are still not perfect, in fact, no one can be perfect in any sports. There are always skills to be learned. Thus, this sport can challenge me in many aspects, both physically and mentally, and I look forward to those challenges.

#LO5 Collaboration: Secondly, basketball can exercise my collaboration skills. It’s because basketball is a team sport that needs a lot of communication and collaboration. For example, when someone is defending you, you might want to “call a screen” (a strategy where one of the team members come forward to block the opponent’s path, in order for the attacker to reach the hoop), that requires collaboration and communication. Thus basketball as a team sport can truly exercise one’s collaboration skills.

#LO4 Commitment: Additionally, basketball is a sport that I have committed to for years. In fact, I started playing basketball since middle school. I was always interested in this sport. And in recent years, I have brought this sport up to the competition level. I wish to commit to this sport in the future.

I look forward to this seasons basketball training! And I hope that I will be able to achieve all of my learning outcomes at the end! I am really excited!