Writers’ Fortnight: Robyne Hayes

Robin Hayes is currently a researcher and photographer. One who can be considered as an inspiration to many. She works with issues pertaining to women, specifically with child marriage issues. Personally, I believe this is a topic that needs major addressing and Robyne’s work is raising awareness on such underseen issues. I believe that her statement on how child marriage limits one’s opportunities is really true. Especially when it comes to education and health primarily.

Personally, being someone who stands up for women’s rights, the way these photographs are taken, shows a whole new perspective of how the victims in this issue truly live with it. Giving girls a voice are giving them an opportunity to see change within a certain community. Not just the girls, but everyone in the community can make a difference when an attempt is made for visible change.

Robyne states that one in three people in the developing world are married before the age of 18, and one in nine, under the age of 15. To her giving girls cameras gives us a perspective and a chance to see their side of the story. But to change this norm in certain societies, boys and elders too, have to be educated on the issue and ways for change. Robyne stating this issue in front of the grade 9 audience has not only made us realize the things we take for granted, but also the opportunities. The number of opportunities that are taken away from young girls in developing countries that we have as a basic right.

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