Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Perseverance Pays: Tennis

I have been watching tennis matches such as those from Wimbledon for more than two years now. Tennis has always fascinated me as a sport. Being in the badminton team at my previous school, I have always been involved with racket sports. However, my interest in tennis soon culminated and I decided to pursue it as my major sporting interest. Thus, I have weekly tennis training classes lasting one hour. These classes not only involve revising and improving my tennis skills, but also playing rallies and/or matches as well as a 10-15 minutes of physical.

This weeks tennis session was truly one of the most refreshing and amazing experiences as it involved me playing my first proper tennis match with my coach. At first, I was quite enthusiastic and at the same time, a bit exhausted when the match started particularly because it was after an intensive training of about 30 minutes. Playing the match was a completely new experience. Along with gaining confidence in my ability to play a sport that completely contradicted my previous sporting interest (badminton), it also made me aware about my areas of growth (LO1) and gave me the determination to further improve my tennis-playing skills. Playing continuously for 30 minutes was not only physically helpful but also highly refreshing. At present, I am much more aware about my strengths in the sport that is my forehand as well as my areas for growth that are my backhand and my service. Right now, I can surely say that I have promised myself that I will work to improve in these areas.

Although tennis sessions may just be a way of exercising or relaxing after a hectic day involving studies, I believe that regular tennis sessions have changed me as a person to a certain extend. Listening to my coach as he identifies my weaknesses, I now take criticism constructively and work to improve. Owing to this, I believe that I have surely improved in tennis from a person who struggled to get the ball above the net to a player who can sustain proper rallies.  Furthermore, this activity has taught me how hard work and perseverance surely get one results and now I am highly motivated to pursue my interests and try to perfect myself in my areas of growth and also build on my strengths


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