Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

To my mentor group

Dear Mentor group,

Next Tuesday, we should be discussing the text written by Godin, “The work not yet done”. We should do it while keeping in mind the conversations we had on Tuesday morning as a part of PSE to delve deeper into the insights we gained from our discussions.

First thing we must look at is the questions we can ask ourselves. We need to ask ourselves when our fear about striking a conversation or confronting an idea has limited our ability to express our idea. Furthermore, we need to discuss how we can overcome our fears when we have conversations about something that we are not particularly comfortable with. This may be talking about how racism and homophobia has affected us or others around us or even about our sexuality. Additionally, we should also talk about other obstacles we have faced in doing work or striking a conversation particularly when we know what to do but are not able to do so due to certain reasons.

As far as these talks are concerned, we must also be mindful when having these deep conversations. We should remember not to joke about someone else’s insecurity or fear. Furthermore, we must also be respectful towards others and ensure that everyone feels heard and respected during these conversations. Along with being mindful, we must not judge or oppose another persons argument or feeling as these topics are personal and differ from person to person

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