Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Kahaani – Preliminary Post

Further to my initiative of learning a new skill, I participated in the Kahaani dance performance held on 25 January. Dancing is not something that I have done throughout and thus, I believe that this was something where I really challenged myself and pushed myself in order to make this experience really successful and fun for me. I believe that this experience has enabled me to develop new skills such as dance and perseverance (LO2). 

Initially, I felt a bit weird as I had not been a part of such an event before however, as time went on, it became really fun and exciting for me. Every week, we had rehearsals on Monday during lunch and within only 4 – 5 rehearsals, we had to learn the steps and do so with perfection. I believed that this was really exciting and I also realised how important teamwork is in such collaborations as such a performance wouldn’t have been possible without the people teaching us and students performing with me.

I believe that this experience was really new for me. I have learnt that it is always important to be involved in things that are previously unknown to you and work hard towards achieving your goal. I believe that I will take forward the things I have learnt through this experience to the future.

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