This season ran a bit differently than what we were used to. Due to the coronavirus, we were not able to compete with other schools, including cancelling our SEASAC trip. Instead, we look forward to our games against Dover in order to keep ourselves motivated this season. The main difficulty I found was keeping the internal perseverance a challenge- staying motivated to participate in training despite not seeing the outcome of my hard work. 

There were also some training that deviated from our normal training, training more on our stamina than our technique and footwork. Those cardio/circus sessions were also hard to find that grit to continue the training, pushing way past my physical limit. 

However, I tried to maintain my perseverance and resilience as being one of the team captains, I feel the need to set a good example for my teammates so we can build a good team dynamic. I did this by showing up early and putting in a good work ethic. I hope that this helps others to stay motivated through this season. 

My commitment to this sport has really helped me improve overall as a badminton player. Since I have been training consistently throughout the year, I have made into the core team and have been given more opportunities than I did last year. Attending pre-season has also kept my fitness up to tackle those physically tough training sessions. 

Being team captain, I had to take the role of organising badminton shirts. Initially, we were going to design our own shirts, but there were some issues with the logistics and the hoodies were outvoted. In this process, I have asked some friends to help with my design. On top of this, I had to communicate with the coach and students to know what was the general consensus. In the end, we did not have enough people who wanted the shirt. One of the main challenges was communicating with the team and others who were involved in this process. I had to meet certain deadlines and some were not as cooperative which was one of the reasons why we suggested the vote to get hoodies instead. 

In future instances where I have to organise products again, I will plan through my strengths and weaknesses, knowing what I can and cannot do. I might have said no and not take this commitment especially because I am not a designer. 


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