During this term of Coding For Good, we have been preparing the Project Fuxi App to present to our clients. During this process, there have been many challenges that we needed to overcome. For instance, one of the larger issues is that we had to find a music database suitable for our app. While we attempted to use Spotify as the solution, it came with many issues such as playing the actual music, interfacing with the Spotify API and linking it to the app’s database. To overcome this challenge, our team had to develop new skills meet our deadline and, in conjunction with the Apex Harmony Lounge, curate our own music database that is specified to our needs. There were great risks that were taken by being a part of this activity because there was no guarantee that the project would be a success but with the commitment and resilience of the Project Fuxi team, we were able to meet the deadline and present our Minimal Viable Project (MVP). From this project, I now understand the importance of working as a team to overcome and undertake challenges because not only does working as a team create a more effective final product but it also allows for individuals to develop new skills.

I was able to measure my improvement by seeing where I was last year and where I am now. I started from helping out with the code to reading/evaluating other people’s code to managing the project. This project allowed me to improve communication, leadership and teamwork skills which will definitely be crucial to prepare me for the future.

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