January 22

LO2 Challenge: Yoga

This year, 2019 is a new year for Yoga. I am developing the skills I have been working on slowly, as mastering the ones I enjoy the most. For Yoga this year I would like to demonstrate more resilience and commitment, and using it as an opportunity to not only improve may strength and flexibility but also my ability to be mindful. One of my goals to for this year is to master my front splits, a target which will also help my in other physical activities I do such as Aerial. This will be excruciatingly painful but I know it will also be incredibly rewarding.

Some of the challenges which I had taken on last year include, being able to a bridge from standing up, and achieving it, and also being able to do the eagle pose without any support.  Most of these poses have lead me to improve my flexibility but I still feel that I like focus on my body strength.

Apart from this, I believe on of my challenges this year will include improving my strength, instead of focussing what I am already good at. So far I have found back poses such as wheel and camel pose easier to improve in because I have a flexible back.