Category: TOK G11/12

TOK: Knowledge and the Knower

What is the purpose of knowing?


Responsibility, Values, Explanation.


Knowing and/or understanding is human nature. Yet because knowing is such a broad term my answer to the KQ will be relating the “purpose of knowing” in natural sciences with regards to “ethics” as my framework.

The purpose of knowledge is for it to be explained.  Knowledge can be explained in many ways.  One is to pass on the knowledge in its purest form, another is to share the products of said knowledge.  Under the scientific lens, this can be a lecturer teaching about newtons law or a scientific breakthrough in neuroscience. 

An example of explaining a product of knowledge is the Covid-19 virus.  The vaccine came from scientists which are researching the vaccine. The scientists have the knowledge of the virus, knowledge on how it works, and so they apply this to create a vaccine.  In this case, the knowledge of the vaccine is explained in order to advance future virology research, and as an even better byproduct, enrich and save lives.  For these scientists, their purpose to have knowledge of virology was to uphold a responsibility to use that knowledge ethically.

But knowledge is not always used for a beneficial cause.  An example of this is the scientific advancements in the industrial revolution.  Locomotive, factories may have been founded on the good cause to support transportation, enhance production.  But as of now, the people with the knowledge and power; the corporations, do not take responsibility of the effects they have on greenhouse gases.  Ultimately, their values for money outweigh their values for a better future.


In comparing the 2 examples above, we can see that knowledge is used and learned by people to fulfill their values or to fulfill a responsibility, whether that is an order given by a superior or moral responsibility.  This tells us that knowledge, no matter how great is founded on the knowledgeable party’s individual values and responsibilities. 

In summary, my answer to the KQ is that having scientific knowledge enables us to explain that knowledge to others.  In doing so, we can be more scientifically advanced, and our increase quality of life, wellbeing, etc.  However, while it is our responsibility to be ethical with how we use knowledge, the purpose of knowing is ultimately to satisfy your own values; whether for the better, or the worse.


TOK First assignment

I chose the title “Success is impossible”.  This title instantly captured my attention, as to me success is a word that people naturally want and strive for, and for me, it is no different.  I ultimately hope to achieve success in my IB results.  So when the title states the exact opposite of what I strive for, I knew I wanted to read the thought process behind it.

In reading the blog, I interpreted that the idea of success(in education) is usually aligned with the idea of good grades, and perhaps as an afterthought, other materialistic values like money, a job, fancy clothes, etc.  Relating to my own idea of success, mine is to gain knowledge, yet the blog made me question the way I approach this goal.  The statement “Education needs now, more than ever, to become an inner journey.” At first, it seemed foreign to me,  my pursuit of knowledge was always based on the grade, as I thrive to outperform my brother who scored 44 in IB.  Ultimately, I realized now that the pressure I put on myself to learn may not be the best way to truly absorb knowledge.

I realized that I am not looking to ‘gain’ knowledge and truly learn it without burden, rather I am just here to take it, use it in the IB exam then leave it in the back of my head; never to be used again.  That shouldn’t be how I treat my 2-year journey in IB.

Knowing the problem and solving the problem are 2 different things,  my approach would most likely be based on just having a better mindset.  But in the blog, the method of meditating to steady the mind seems like a great way of steading your mind, involving spiritual relaxation.  This idea that you need to steady your mind before you learn was new to me, and I think it’s interesting that meditation, something not usually valued in education, can play a part in furthering education; intertwining spirituality and the education journey.


The way I organized this is by creating a category of Grade 11/12 posts, and creating a sub-category for TOK related posts.

