Greta Thunberg and My Critical Challenge Project

Greta Thunberg took the world by storm when her personal daily action against the Swedish government’s inaction grew into a worldwide movement in late 2018, with tens of thousands of schoolchildren going on strike to demonstrate their resolve to protect their...

Case Study: The Girl in the River

Amidst the dusty midday sky of Gujranwala, Pakistan, a 19-year old girl crouches as she washes vegetables within a tin bowl. The right side of her face is mutilated by a gaping gunshot wound that passed above her jaw, courtesy of her very own father. Saba Qaiser, like...

Do people really have free will?

Free will: the idea that people have their own freedom; dominated by their own desires, to do what they want to do. The philosophy of freedom, free will, and liberty all derives from something that can be objectively described as a basis for human action: motive. As...

GPERS FEI – Group Sharing Task

My understanding of what a perspective has developed throughout this assessment task: initially, it was a narrower, more general idea — a standpoint of a person or people that differs from others. In particular, it’s important to have a deeper...

Our Environment on Gender Identity

To what extent do you think gender identity is determined by the environment? The documentary we watched concluded by saying that gender identity was determined by natural means, although it did mention that it was not entirely biological. I personally feel that the...