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LO1-Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I have started to draw and paint at a very young age and was only limited to this type of art creation: a pen and paper. By attending the Art Society, I would like to improve some skills that allow me to explore different forms of creation. For example, spray painting, charcoal drawing, sketching, and some visual arts of decorations. For each week, I have tried some forms of art creation that were new to me so I have gained new experiences in terms of art creation.

One thing that I found challenging me a lot was that I might run out of some inspiration to create a new piece of artwork. I think it might be caused by a lack of attention to my surroundings and presence as I was always thinking about my school life and tasks. The action that I have taken to overcome this challenge was suggested by our student leader, which I’ve found quite helpful to an extend. Sometimes, inspiration can be triggered by a random mood at that moment, or random subjects by others. To make connections between those tangible objects, abstract concepts, and adjectives together. It might seem to be very weird from first sight, however, it did help me to think and to associate with different ideas.