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L02: First Kahaani reflection

L02: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

// creativity

Kahaani is a dance performance put on every year by the Kalkota GC to raise awareness for the visually impaired and orphaned children in the city of Kalkota India.

It is my third year participating in Kahaani and this year has been quite different from the other two. The dance I am participating in has three parts (girls dance, boys dance and a mixed dance), the girls dance personally is challenging to me and hard to grasp as it is quite slow yet has many precise movements and quick transition to fast parts. What also added on to the challenge is that recently I have been busy and haven’t had the time to practice. The result is that during our practices I forget some of the moves or miss a specific movement.

In order to get through this, when it is our practice time I focus and listen to the dance leaders as much as I can. As the style of the girls dance is different for me, I always ask questions to the dance leaders as well as my friends to better understand the moves. Before going to our lunch practices, I watch the videos to refresh my memory and even if I haven’t had the tome I try to give it my best shot.

Through this learning experience, I learnt things about myself. I learnt that even when I don’t feel confident (due to lack of practice) I should not hinder my learning process by continually saying ‘I don’t understand’ and instead ask questions if needed and just give it my best shot.

Overall, I’m enjoying my Kahaani dance this year as it is something different compared to the dances I have done in the past. I also really enjoy the mix dance group as it is more in my comfort zone but the girls dance is very interesting and I want to continue to learn more to stay confident.

During the December break we will be having practices every week and I think this time will really bring the dance together. This time will also allow me to synthesise the dance and enjoy performing it.

Here is the girls dance practice:



Published in CAS Creativity


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