Wonderful feedback from one of our partners. Will let you read her own words below. Well done, Urja and Praniti from our East Campus and to Elsa from Dover.
Dear all,
I just wanted to share with you the amazing product we have made with the help of the UWC interns. I just got back from Abu Dhabi where the Emirati Diplomatic Academy launched a regional SDG Center of excellence together with the Sustainable Development Solution Network.
We designed an amazing card set for them and the advance edition was shared at this high level event. The box was distributed to students of the Emirati Diplomatic Academy and the high-level guests they invited to the launch. I had the opportunity to personally give a set to Jeff Sachs and tell him all about it. It is a card set with several card games that are designed to educate people about world facts and the Sustainable Development Goals. It even has an augmented reality feature that makes it even more impressive.
Elsa, Praniti and Urja did an amazing job. The project of course has evolved since they worked on it last summer but their contribution is there. They were instrumental in shaping a project that was targetted at young audiences. I have included their names are in the credits and I am delighted that they can concretly show they have been part of such a extraordinary project.
Thank you Elsa, Praniti and Urja!
Best wishes.Carolina