Do we worry too much about the effects technology has on our lives?

When considering the answer to this question, I looked at a few different sources. I first listened to the  IRL podcast – Digital Overload, where it quickly made me realize how much I use my phone. I related a lot to the following quotes

  • “Separation anxiety when I left my phone at home” I always get nervous because sometimes when I’m in situations I don’t feel like talking in or joining in on, I use my phone.
  • “It’s like the web works just like a casino works” Phone industries really are similar to casino industries, in the way they manipulate you into doing something more and more.

I then listened to some of my classmate’s podcasts: (onetwo). They made me realize how dependent our generation is on devices to communicate with others

So in conclusion, I’d say we don’t worry enough about the effect technology has on our lives. Although some effects may be good, some are bad, so we need to address these issues and come up with ways we can use technology well for the tool it is.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. says:

    Yes! I used the same quote- the second one. I completely agree with you there, manipulation is a part of every industry. Marketing is all about manipulating people into believing things that aren’t real or completely true. It’s interesting and scary how they control your mind into thinking, believing and doing something you wouldn’t do in a normal state of mind.

  2. says:

    I believe that people think too far about the bad effects, I think technology brings a lot of benefits to our daily life and people should know how to control themselves but not push all the bad influence to technology.

  3. says:

    These quotes also make me think about the impacts of technology on my personal life. I also kind of resonating ideas on the *asino model. This model really helps encapsulate the attention economy as to how there is constant gratification through a reward model. I also have that sort of anxiety in me at times and would like to address it by having outside experiences than sitting with tech. Thought provoking article!

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