1. Tricia Friedman

    Hi Ears of East Team,
    I really enjoyed your discussion! In particular I found it surprising that 35% of students felt judged for their political opinions! I found it useful that you framed a few more helpful ways to discuss and deal with the tension of conflicting ideologies, I think many people struggle with how to react when their gut and mind disagrees–and the political is of course personal. I wonder if any of you have heard this episode of Embedded: This is Not a Joke https://www.npr.org/2019/11/07/777368889/this-is-not-a-joke

    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, and I hope it gets shared far and wide, it is an important conversation to continue.
    Tricia Friedman

  2. sengu15038@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg

    Awesome podcast! It really highlighted an aspect of school that we usually don’t talk about. I found it interesting how people at school are actually hesitant to express their conservative opinions because of the overarching liberal view that our school endorses. I think that it was also really interesting how you guys mentioned that, particularly in today’s very aggressive world where everyone is very protective about their own identity and how it is difficult to know the boundary between what is offensive and what is not. Good Stuff!

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