During COVID-19, we are not able to reach our garden on the 6th floor, yet we are all trying to continue our learning progress at home. In the boarding house, we have collectively started a watering programme for all the green spaces at school to keep them healthy and alive during the circuit breaker. I am in charge of the herb garden so I go there a couple of times a week to water plants and remove weeds – this is my way of continuing my learning and an act to keep our school and community green. Others from our service are also working from their own gardens nursing the plants and experimenting with new species.

Examples of some of our gardens at home and the boarding house:


We are all trying our best, and we encourage everyone else to do the same. Our service would under normal circumstances provide young plants but we also promote the benefits of being outside with nature which we should appreciate, especially in these times. A small pot in a sunny window is a starting point – use some seeds from the fruits and vegetables you have and try it out! We are all looking forward to returning to the garden and helping people again, but we are all trying to get the best out of the situation, and we would encourage everyone else to do so as well 🙂