Today, we welcomed two new G9s to the service! Despite the turnout being lower than expected as some G9s were sick, the G11s helped introduce the various areas, tools, and strategies we use in urban gardening. First, the G9s were introduced to the soil-making process, and then helped plant red cherry seeds. We also taught them how to cut and transplant some of the mint plants that were overcrowding our large pots. While some G11s were busy helping out our new students, others helped transplant roselle and other plants, as well as checking up on the K1 garden for routine maintenance. The K1 gardens seem to have succumb to unwelcome mealy bugs, so it seems the first thing on our agenda for the next K1 session is to bring out the neem oil.

Two of our new G9 gardeners (from left to right): Fionn and Ethan

Our gardeners are enthusiatic to start a new season. The previous two have been extremely successful, and our G11s are excited to work with a new batch of gardeners. Our chairs are currently planning our proposed therapeutic garden in the herb garden, so we’re looking forward to that! The next lesson will be a proper introduction to the service as we’ll hopefully have more students to work with.