The Accuracy of Personality Test Results

Personality tests are a widely popular form of online quiz and have become something that is used a lot among the younger generations. They claim to be able to predict your type of personality through a series of questions, however, how accurate actually are they when it comes to predicting your personality? A website by the name of “16 Personalities” has come out with a test that is said to be “freakishly accurate” in predicting your personality. I had the chance to take this test and see whether the results applied to me and the results that came greatly surprised me. This test is surprisingly accurate when it comes to my personality and really made me think about the types of things I do and the way I behave. I think that taking this personality test can be a great way to take a step back and observe the type of person you are and the decisions that you make.

The controversy behind personality tests does not always lie with the website but often with the person taking it. Some people answer the questions to these tests by putting what they wish they were, rather than what they actually are. This can cause results that are not very accurate, though not at the fault of the website. I personally believe that “16 Personalities” is a test that presents that positives of the personality that you have and allows you to really realize how you deal with situations and life in general.

4 Comments on The Accuracy of Personality Test Results

    August 17, 2018 at 3:40 am (6 years ago)

    I also did the personality test! It is somehow accurate and I had a chance to see my personality as well.

    August 17, 2018 at 3:41 am (6 years ago)

    I had done this test before, and some of the questions are actually hard to answer, so I can kind of see why the answer is accurate. And yes, I know some people who answer the questions the way they want themselves to be. Good post 🙂 !

    August 17, 2018 at 3:50 am (6 years ago)

    I really liked the way you wrote this, and the way you expressed your opinion. You discussed different perspectives. It was very well written, and it had a good conclusion and lead.

    August 17, 2018 at 3:53 am (6 years ago)

    I liked the way you had your own opinion about the personality test and I really enjoyed it!


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