Drones Vs Windmills, Which Will Be The First One To Save Our Planet?

Drones Vs Windmills, Which Will Be The First To Save Our Planet?

By: Aryan Shanker


Our technology has evolved over time and has helped us to solve a plethora of problems in our world. But now, our world is changing for the worse. Climate Change is a great threat to our civilization. It is time to finally take action against this cause. Human activity of using non renewable sources have caused a rise in global temperatures, extreme weather and a drastically changing ecosystem. These rising CO2 emissions can be harmful to human health and can cause many other severe consequences. This article will focus on examples of recent innovations that are helping to mitigate Climate Change.


Innovation 1 –  Drones That Plant Trees:

Trees are essential for storing greenhouse gas emissions, filtering air and water, nourishing soil and providing food and shelter. Yet, the world loses 18.3 million acres of forest each year or 27 football fields of trees every minute. A UK based company,  BioCarbon is using drones to spray tree seeds throughout dead forests. BioCarbon provides ecosystem restoration services using data collected.The environmental specialists working at BioCarbon capture and analyse data on ecosystems. This helps them to monitor them over time and make decisions about how to manage planting activities. They also collect satellite imagery that can support the trend analysis. After they have checked their data, they send a drone to the respective region. As of now, BioCarbon is sending their drones to a remote field in Yangon, Myanmar to help with help restore forests there.

BioCarbon’s drones first determine the best planting strategy for a region, then the drones hover six feet above the ground and fire seeds so fast that they get snugly implanted into the soil. Mitigation of climate change can be enabled because by replanting all of these seeds, more trees can grow and this will allow them to absorb more carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.

In the coming years, BioCarbon claim that they can plant 1 billion trees per year by using this method

Innovation 2 – Massive Ocean Wind Farms:

Wind power is a largely underutilized resource and continues to play a major role toward providing renewable energy. Wind turbines operate by one simple principle: the energy in the wind turns two or three propeller blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity. These ocean wind turbines require a new design approach since traditional blades are too expensive. A team of researchers and a group of wind turbine experts have shown that a design can morph and align with the wind which reduces forces aligned with the blade path. This type of design was inspired from palm trees whose trunks can morph and align to survive hurricane force wind. In these type of wind turbines, the rotors can be built much lighter than traditional designs. This makes the blades segmented allowing for simpler fabrication and transportation therefore cutting down the cost of wind energy by 50%!

These ocean wind turbines can experience extreme weather but due to the segmented blades in extreme weather scenarios, this can substantially increase resistance to hurricanes. The challenge is to produce these wind turbines as the group of engineers are trying to build wind turbines that are more than twice as large as the biggest turbines in use today.




These wind turbines are nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower!


In light of the innovations, it is evident that such creative ideas can be at the forefront of climate change mitigations. We all know that humans are responsible for 99.9% of all carbon emissions in the atmosphere. We must continue to inspire others to keep innovating in order for humans to keep living on earth. If people all over the world are continuously delving deep into some solutions to climate change, so can you.






“8 Crazy Innovations That Could Save The Planet From Climate Change”. Global Citizen, 2019,  https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/8-crazy-inventions-that-can-save-the-planet/.

“Services – Biocarbon Engineering: Industrial-Scale Ecosystem Restoration”. Biocarbon Engineering: Industrial-Scale Ecosystem Restoration, 2019, https://www.biocarbonengineering.com/services.

Shosa, Peter. “Awesome Drones And Quadcopters Wallpapers – Eyeondrones.Com”. Eyeondrones.Com, 2019, http://www.eyeondrones.com/awesome-drones-and-quadcopters-wallpapers/.

“Biocarbon Engineering, : &Quot; One Billion Trees At A Time&Quot;”. TECHPHLIE, 2019, http://www.techphlie.com/2015/10/biocarbon-engineering-one-billion-trees.html.

Turbines Landscape – Google Search”. Google.Com, 2019, https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C5CHFA_enSG809SG809&biw=1380&bih=798&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=mKrGXOP3GMf6rQGcnrLACA&q=Turbines+landscape&oq=Turbines+landscape&gs_l=img.3..0i5i30.7444.8556..8624…0.0..0.99.407.8……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i7i30j0i7i5i30.A30OuUOXtHY#imgdii=TYKnNAU7kfd_eM:&imgrc=ydr8uHDUlb3RCM:.

“Ocean Wind Turbines Taller Than Eiffel Tower – Google Search”. Google.Com, 2019, https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C5CHFA_enSG809SG809&biw=1380&bih=798&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=aajGXNDsAoLd9QPb6peYCA&q=ocean+wind+turbines+taller+than+eiffel+tower&oq=ocean+wind+turbines+taller+than+eiffel+tower&gs_l=img.3…158908.162300..162557…0.0..0.40.426.13……1….1..gws-wiz-img.2uBLwDaf9Z0#imgrc=hEl1bmT59X9hoM:.


Is it too late to save our Planet?

Is it too late to save our planet?

Is it too late to save our planet? This question has struck in the minds of every single person who has looked at our planet and just wondered, is it too late to save our planet?  

In recent years, scientists have alarmed us with the dangers of climate change. The main cause of climate change is global warming, which has many negative consequences on physical, biological and human systems, as well as other effects. Climate change is playing a huge role in our life. It is hurting the animals and affecting everyone.

We are dead

It’s too late to save our planet. It’s too late to stop climate change from happening. According to Nasa, the Earth’s average global temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius or 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the thermometer readings have risen continuously. This is a huge problem which the earth is facing. We have done so much to cause climate change and we are doing so many things to harm our planet and we aren’t stopping. We are using so many car’s which pollute the environment. We are using an excess amount of non-renewable energy and we are not using energy smartly. For example, to wash one or two clothes we use the washing machine. That much energy to clean/wash two clothes is not worth it. One interesting thing which world economic forum brought out was that 2016 was the hottest year on record and the Arctic warmed much faster than predicted. This has happened in less than a generation. All of these reasons are showing that we are going to die soon, so please readers get ready to go to mars. 


Ehhh, we can survive

We can survive. Although there are hundreds of problems which are happening right now on our planet, we are still finding ways to survive and we are also doing small things to fix those mistakes or do other stuff to mitigate climate change. Schools, universities and Firms are trying and working hard to find ways to help make sure that the average temperature of this world does not rise.  2016 was the hottest year but so far since then, the temperature of each year has slightly dropped since then. New York, South Korea, and other cities are also going to sign a new green deal. There is a chance which we have that we will not die. So Mars can wait.

It’s never too late

It’s never too late to save our planet. We are making huge changes to help reduce the risk of climate change. Schools are giving awareness about this issue and big cities are giving new deals and are ready to look at new types of renewable energy. Iceland is one country which 97% of their energy is from a renewable energy source called Geothermal. 

humans need to be changing the way we behave, shifting the way we make and consume energy. The required changes span technologies, behaviors, and policies that encourage less waste and smarter use of our resources., improvements to energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy and protecting forests are all potent ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases trapping heat on the planet. We need to change our ways and we successfully are. Scientists are successfully sustainably producing hydrogen, most of which is currently derived from natural gas. We are going at a good rate and everyone is contributing to mitigate climate change. So that tickets to mars which you have, I think you will need a refund.







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Fed up with the doom and gloom of climate change? Here are ways in which a UWC student could fix the planet.


Humans have been gifted this planet to treat it with respect and to take care of it, and now we are close to destroying it. The earth has given us everything we need to survive and thrive. Whether it be food, water or shelter, the earth has it all. And how have we reimbursed this gift?

The school, UWCSEA perspectives 2015


You have probably heard plenty of statements such as this in a school like UWC. Well, climate change really is a very urgent threat that is facing our entire species right now and we must find suitable ways to mitigate it. Being in such an environmentally conscious school such as UWC, there are many things a student like you could do. Hence, In this article, I am going to explore the many ways in which we as individuals can find ways to mitigate the risk of climate change whether it be big or small.


A very obvious way we can mitigate the risk of climate change is by reducing our transportation emissions. Globally about 15% of our manmade carbon dioxide comes from cars, trucks, aeroplanes and other vehicles. One efficient way to reduce our transportation emissions is to green our commute. Think about the method of transportation you utilize to reach school. Is it sustainable? If you take the school bus or utilize other forms of public transport such as buses or the MRT that’s obviously very sustainable to the environment. So you should think about whether you use public transport often to get around. If you’re a person who uses the taxi quite often, you should try and minimize this or even try car sharing. Instead of travelling solo find other friends you can travel with. If you live within 2 to 3 km from the school, you could also consider using bicycles as a mode of transportation. Just wake up, ride through the early morning breeze and of course, burn some calories on the way. If you don’t own a bike yourself, explore the cheaper options and rent yourself a bike from apps such as mobike or sgbike. Even if you’re unable to ride a bike to school, you could use your bike to go to the nearby cinema, mall or library. Finally, another way we can reduce our transport emissions is if we fly less! It is estimated that on a plane from New York to Los Angeles alone, a little over 65 tons of carbon dioxide is produced. On your next holiday to a nearby location, persuade your family to take a ferry or even the train. And when you’re travelling abroad to places like Japan or in Europe use the efficient train services that are provided.

Man riding bike, alternatives journal May 30 2014
Washing machine, David Suzuki Foundation July 3, 2018

Another way we can mitigate the risks of climate change is by using energy wisely. By using energy wisely, you will not only pollute less but also save your parent’s money at the same time! Small changes you can make is to utilize the air con less. Our reliance on air cons has increased over the years and one way you can reduce this is by using fans. A good tactic is to switch on your air con for a while and then turn it off to use fans, the fans will help circulate the cool air all around your room. Next time, after you finish watching an episode of ‘Friends’ unplug the tv or computer after its use. A common practice we do is to simply switch off the tv, but when you unplug you will be saving energy and money at the same time. Finally, you could also hang dry your clothes instead of using your dryers. According to the Guardian, it is estimated that air drying one’s clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by a whopping 2,400 pounds a year!


Another way is to change your diet and reduce its climate impact. You should attempt to eat meat-free meals many of the times, buy organic food, try not to waste food as much as you did or to maybe even harvest your very own fruits and vegetables! According to an article on our sustainability page in UWC, reducing meat consumption is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce a personal or institutional Carbon Footprint and help meet the world’s emission reduction targets set last year at the COP21 Climate talks. If completely becoming a vegetarian is difficult for you, you should support the Veggie Wednesday event and become a vegetarian just once in two weeks. Vegetarianism has a positive impact on climate change as the production of plant-based foods is a very efficient use of our resources. According to the Guardian, agriculture is a significant driver of global warming and causes 15% of all emissions, half of which are from livestock. It also states that giving up beef will reduce carbon footprint even more than cars!

Eating veggies, David Suzuki Foundation, July 3, 2018
A compost pile, Wired.com 06.19.18

Finally, a way to mitigate the risks of climate change is to manage our waste. In Singapore, whatever we dump in the bin goes in a giant incinerator in Tuas. Once your garbage is burned, it releases a lot of harmful carbon in the atmosphere. According to drawdown.org if we manage our food waste correctly, we save about 70.53 gigatons in the span of just 30 years. Instead of dumping wasted food right in the bin, you should consider using efficient ways of waste management. Composting is something that is very easy and is a simple way of waste management. You could start your own mini composting pile outside your house and dispose of fruit scraps, egg shells, coffee grounds and tea bags. After only a few months the compost will turn into manure. If starting a compost pile does not seem like a viable option for you, a great way is to take part in the composting service here at UWCSEA. The composting service is a great college service and it also teaches you the process of composting itself. You will walk around the campus and collect waste from the Sodexo office and Santai, you will then dispose it in a composting pile in the campus and wait for it to turn into manure.

Student composting, CNA 12 Oct 2016

Overall, the techniques mentioned above would be of tremendous help for all of us and we should consider these techniques for the betterment of our world. We are the future generation and we must do our best to bequeath our children a hospitable environment in the future. If each of us try even some of these techniques, I truly believe that these would be of tremendous help to alter the risks of climate change. Let’s all unite together and try our hardest to reimburse this gift given to us as it’s still not too late to change.




“Top 10 Things You Can Do about Climate Change.” David Suzuki Foundation, davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-can-stop-climate-change/.


“7 Ways Power Your House with Renewable Energy.” Institute of Ecolonomics, ecolonomics.org/7-ways-power-your-house-with-renewable-energy/.


Hickman, Leo. “What’s the Most Eco-Friendly Way to Dry My Laundry Indoors? | Leo Hickman.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 3 Aug. 2010, www.theguardian.com/environment/green-living-blog/2010/jul/22/eco-friendly-drying-laundry.


Carrington, Damian. “Giving up Beef Will Reduce Carbon Footprint More than Cars, Says Expert.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 21 July 2014, www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/21/giving-up-beef-reduce-carbon-footprint-more-than-cars.

“Veggie Wednesdays.” Veggie Wednesdays, uwcseasustainablecampus.blogspot.com/p/veggie-wednesdays-now-twice-monthly.html.


The Turn of the Year!

2018 was a revolutionary year for technology and clean energy worldwide. Although there were some steps taken backwards, there was a lot of progress and the future seems bright. Today, we are going to look back on some of the biggest moments of 2018, and look forward to what 2019 holds in store.

Recap of technologies and advancements from 2018!

In April of 2018, Google, one of the largest companies in the market, made significant progress towards solving climate change as they offsetted all of their office and data centre electricity to wind and solar energy alternatives. Google now stands as a good role model for other big companies to follow, and will hopefully set a precedent to others that will do the same. Furthermore, Apple also switched to 100% renewable energy globally, mostly from solar energy. These moves from many large tech firms are setting a standard in the industry to do better for the environment.

Continue reading The Turn of the Year!

The Future of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy collected from infinite sources, such as wind, sunlight, and tides. With the International Energy Agency expecting renewable electricity generation to rise by over one-third by the year 2022, it is important to increase the types of renewable energies to produce enough electricity from clean energy. 

Floating Solars

Also known as floating photovoltaic, floating solar energy is an array of solar panels on a structure that floats on top of a body of water like a lake or reservoir. A technological feature of floating solar energy is that it does not take up any land space, and is instead occupied on water, an inhabitable area for human beings. It’s structure also prevents evaporation on whichever area it’s built upon, which could partially contribute healthily in reduction of climate change dangers like flooding. Also, it’s easier to manage than land made solar panels. Lastly, the structure of floating solar energy allows for a simple implementation of a cooling system and storage system to store up energy efficiently.
Continue reading The Future of Renewable Energy

UWCSEA East joining the Next Generation of Sustainability

Members of our team have recently visited the Conscious Festival. As stated on their official website, “The Conscious Festival is held annually in multiple cities in Asia, empowering people with the knowledge and inspiration they need to take positive actions for their life and work.”
Continue reading UWCSEA East joining the Next Generation of Sustainability

About Us

It is said that the Earth’s temperature will rise by more than 6% this century if no action is taken. We want to change that.

We are a group of students in a college service, ‘Climate Change and Clean Energy’ from UWCSEA East, and we are passionate about reducing the effects of climate change and moving towards clean, renewable energy. We work hard to inform you about the real statistics on climate change so you can be educated on the issue and make a change.

On this site, you will find posts ranging from topics such as initiatives in our community to broader topics like general ways to combat climate change. If you would like to be featured with your story or invention, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Journalists: Ami Kashima, Saransh Malik, Ryan Koh

Singapore and Climate Change

Continue reading Singapore and Climate Change

Carbon Tax and UWC

UWCSEA, our school, is not only known for being a leader in education but also implementing service and action to the heart of their values. Taking action on climate change, and other environmental issues are one of the most important challenges and issues that face us today.

UWCSEA has done a lot to help with the sustainability of the environment whether that is urban gardening or managing energy sustainably by using photovoltaic solar cells or conserving water or even, just integrate greens space and the natural environment into the school. UWCSEA, both East, and West have been awarded the BCA Green Mark Platinum Award, Singapore’s highest recognition for environmentally-conscious design.
One way the school has been addressing this problem is by implementing a carbon offset tax. A carbon offset tax is a tax on something that produces carbon emissions such as flying an airplane. Let’s say for every hour, one must pay $5. Continue reading Carbon Tax and UWC

An introduction to the initiatives in our community

Today, the generation of electricity alone emits 7.65 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. It is evident that our current methods of generating electricity are not sustainable or effective, and there is a need for cleaner sources of energy. The current methods of energy generation are extremely detrimental to the environment and will have major consequences in the next few decades.

Energy-related ventures alone account for 86% of all human-related greenhouse gases. It is crystal clear that the environmentally unfriendly act of burning fossil fuels have had extreme weather impacts, and have lead to a compromise in human health and agriculture all over the globe. These consequences are not only for people living in lesser economically developed countries like Bangladesh and Nigeria but also in more developed countries like China and the United States of America.

Singapore, on the other hand, is heavily contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 7 with investments in renewable energy as well as the physical installation of solar panels. Given Singapore’s environment, it is nearly impossible to implement wind turbines, hydroelectric dams and wave energy converters (WECs), but despite these restrictions, Singapore has made significant progress with other renewable technology and there is an initiative in particular that has managed to make a change in our own community. Continue reading An introduction to the initiatives in our community