The Not So Gorges Dam

Personally, I think that the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam outweigh the advantages. Although the dam is able to control flooding, the rising water level is weakening the banks and causing landslides. This destroys all the infrastructure and land near the dam. Around 1.4 million people have lost their homes due to living near the dam. Many people have been displaced, meaning they have lost their jobs. This is a huge economic disadvantage. There is currently a waiting list of people who needs their home to be repaired. These landslides have ruined the quality of life around the dam and in order for the damage to be repaired, a lot of money and attention is required.

On top of this, the dam is decreasing the quality of water and negatively impacting the marine life it inhabits. For example, the Yangtze river dolphin was declared extinct in 2006. This is just one species amongst many other which is affected by the dam.

In the 16 years that the Three Gorges Dam has been existing, it has caused many more negative impacts than positive.

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