Racism in International Schools

Link to article: https://medium.com/@rachel.engel/an-open-letter-to-the-international-school-community-our-role-in-the-black-lives-matter-movement-c92ba725d93c Being an international school student myself, I do have some understanding of the dynamic of this sort of community. When I walk into my school, I see an extremely diverse community filled with numerous cultures, nationalities and religions. It is a safe haven to all ethnicities and praises our differences to […]

To what extent do you agree?

1 =  strongly disagree,  5 = strongly agree. People are happiest when they follow rules. 3 Rules are meant to be broken. 2 Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. 1 The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated. 1 A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising […]