Reflection 2: Yoga Therapy with Tampines MINDS

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. 

LO7-Recognise and consider the ethics implications of choices and actions.

My service experience this year has been noticeably different to previous school years due to the current global pandemic. Under normal circumstances, our group would regularly visit the MINDS Centre to practise yoga with them. Unfortunately, we are not able to visit the centre or physically meet our service partners due to Singapore’s strict regulations regarding COVID-19. This has given my service group and I no choice but to adapt to the situation and conjure up other ways we can make a positive difference for people with mental disabilities at Tampines MINDS. This has been one of the biggest challenges we have faced as a service and it has prompted us to come up with alternative activities which will still achieve the aim of our service, which is to eliminate the feeling of exclusion in people with mental disabilities in Singapore. This dilemma has allowed me to develop self initiative and use this skill to contribute to our group ideas and solutions to this problem.

To try and overcome this obstacle, as a group we have dedicated a significant amount of time to planning Purple Parade. This is an event which will take place on our school campus and will comprise of numerous activities for all members of our school community to participate in. Our intentions are that this event will bring attention to our service and what it aims to achieve. More importantly, we hope that this event will increase awareness of people with mental disabilities in Singapore. As of now, people with mental disabilities often feel excluded from the Singapore community and don’t feel as though they are embraced in it compared to the average person. They don’t wish to be seen as “different” to everyone else in society. The aim of this service is to eliminate the feeling of exclusion in people with mental disabilities and ensure that all members of the community are aware of this issue and understand what part they can play in making sure they are embraced in society.



In addition to Purple Parade, each member of our service took the initiative to handwrite a card for the MINDS community to introduce ourselves and ensure that they know they are welcomed by our school community.



This process has taught me the importance of the ability to make compromises and adapt in situations where a curveball may suddenly be thrown at you. I have learnt that when working with a group, efficient problem solving only occurs when you collaborate effectively by listening with an open mind, whilst also making sure you have your own useful input. Saying this, I believe that the most important skill I have developed through this service thus far is self initiative as I have learnt that problems will only be solved when you dedicate sufficient time and energy towards it.

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